"Why? Why don't you want to play umm, with someone else?" Izuki asked. Kuroko looked at Izuki.

"I think it's not a goo--"

"It's okay, Roko-kun. At least someone else know about our situation," Taiki said with a smile. Sad smile. Kuroko just nodded.

"Because I don't want to be in an accident again," Taiki answered rolling up his sleeves revealing his injured arm. "5 years ago, in our last game in grade school. We were playing against a cheater school. They play dirty. Bump their opponent hard enough, even leaving them injured."

"We kinda know that kind of tactic," Koganei said.

"The referee didn't notice any of their dirty tricks. We were cheated," Taiki trailed off

"And the worst part is. Because of their tricks, Taiki-kun's left arm and right leg were badly injured," Kuroko continued as Taiki nodded.

"My elbow was bumped at the ring's stand leaving it dislocated and fractured. At the same time, when they got the rebound, their center stepped on my right leg, dislocating it. My injuries were terribly bad making them hard to treat," Taiki told them.

"Then what happened?" Kiyoshi asked feeling related to Taiki.

"We managed to win the game without Taiki-kun. But Kaiga-kun really felt bad about it," Kuroko told them.

"3 weeks after the game, Kaiga accompany me to check my injuries and the doctor said I have to go abroad to heal it. He even went with me all the way to America but, as usual, Mikka's with us," Taiki said with a smile as if remembering those times.

"At America, we met Alexandra, she was waiting at a street basketball court practicing to shoot. Kaiga, well, being Kaiga, he challenged Alex on a one-on-one. Surprisingly, she accepted it. On our stay there, Mikka and Kaiga usually play with them as I watch from afar. She even went with us on my operation. After the operation, my arm and legs were back to normal. But the doctor said, it would took me six months before I could play basketball again," Taiki told them. Seirin listened intently.

"So, what's wrong with you and Kudo?" Riko asked finally, then Taiki's smile turned upsidedown.



"What?!" After those six months, I could play basketball again. But, the problem is, I was traumatized of the accident. I thought I could play normally again but even touch a ball, I can't do it.

"I can't play basketball again. I... I'm scared," Kaiga clutched Taiki's collar and glared at him.

"You coward! You abandoned your favorite thing just because of those stupid injuries you had! You're a wimp! I can't believe I listened to a wimp like you!!" Kaiga let go of Taiki and walked off.

‡Back to the present‡

"Because of that, we got a misunderstanding," Taiki ended with a frown. He felt vibration from his pocket. "Uh! I'll leave now. Nice chat!" Taiki said and left, answering his phone.

"Woah, I'll just say, Woah," Izuki said "That was intense."

"So that's what happened between them," Koganei said as Kuroko nodded

"Kaiga-kun hates it when the topic about him and Taiki-kun were opened up. Mikka-san hates it when she sees Kaiga-kun like that," Kuroko said emotionlessly but, it is a hint of sadness in his voice.

Alex's P.o.v

Jana and I were waiting for Taiki at the street court for 30 minutes now. Man, he took so long buying us some snacks.

"Sorry for waiting, guys. Saw a pregnant woman crossing the street so I helped her out," Taiki said handing us the snacks with a grin.

"Stop that, Tyke. Thats an old school excuse, you know. Echizen usually says that in The Prince of Tennis," Jana said taking her snacks. I noticed her sleeves are rolled up to his elbow.

"Yeah, old school. Lemme guess, you bumped into Kaiga, don't you?" I asked and his lips dropped. Not literally dropped. But then retain a smile.

"Yeah, and guess what! Kyle and Kyla's with them. Boy, I missed those kids," Taiki said sitting next to Jana.

"What about you and Kaiga? Did you discussed about your conflict?" Jana asked as Taiki shook his head.

"I got the feeling he's avoiding the topic. So what's the use if I kept on insisting?" Jana and I looked at him worried. They've been having this misunderstanding for 5 years now. This got to stop. Good for Kagami and Tatsuya, they're already good with each other.

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RSE out~~

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