Staying Alive

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Gray and Natsu ran through the jungle following the ice mage's former teacher, Ur. And they saw an enormous shadow cover them and they split up and his from it.

Gray: Damn it. Its awake..

Ur: Not for long its not.

Gray: Ur. Don't do something you're regret.

Ur: I've already regretted few things in my life before I met you.  

Natsu: Come on Gray.

Gray: Sorry.

*They got to the end of the island and they saw Deliora taking its first steps after successfully escaping from the ice shell and Lyon is right on the shoulder of Deliora*

Gray: What do you think you're doing?

Lyon: This is finally the one way that people will take me seriously instead of thinking that I'm some crazy guy who is obsessed with ice and its all because of you, Ur. People think I'm a fool because you forced me to work in the snow to get more in touch with my power but all of that was crazy and that's why I wanted you dead.

Ur: You wanted me dead that's why you gave Gray the spell to summon that freak.

Lyon: Finally someone understands my plans. Gray, I also wanted you to be a part of this but you would rather stay next to that dragon slayer than your brother.

Gray: Lyon you're gonna-

Ur: He's not the one who turned his back on his family like you! He respected me while we were in training while you went down the wrong path and you tried to bring him down with you, but I couldn't let that happen and that's why I had all the spell book stores close early, so after training you wouldn't be able to look up any spells that you were in immature for.

Lyon: You were too busy with Gray to even notice that I was going through a hard time! You were too interested in that son of a bitch to look after me! I was the baby of the trio, I was the runt!!

Natsu: Gray. Why is he doing all of this?

Gray: To get back at me for getting all of Ur's attention while he sat in the corner of the room reading spell books that his father had left him after he died.

Lyon: Don't you dare mention my father! You don't deserve to. You never met him for you to judge him that way.

Ur: Wait, you want to get Gray back for having all of my attention? You were stronger than he was, he was the rebellious one of the two of you! What happened to you? What or who turned you into what you are today?!

Lyon: Your father taught me all he knew and then he passed.

Ur: That jerk. He took one of my students and turned them against the family that he was raised from. I'm glad he's dead.

Lyon: Well, you-

Natsu: Let's get this over with.

Gray: Natsu, you take the left flank. Ur, you take the behind. And I'll get Lyon.

Natsu and Ur: Right.

*They all split and ran to where Lyon lost them in a quick second and Gray was right behind him and he punched Gray in the stomach and they both fell to the hand of Deliora*

Gray: You bastard! You almost killed Natsu and for what? Trying to get back at me! Why didn't you just kill me when you had the chance!?

Lyon: Because if I did kill you, there would be no point to kill Natsu since he would suffer your death and he would eventually end up killing himself since he wouldn't stand the grief of losing his loved one like I did!

I Love You With All My Heart, Natsu (DISCONTINUED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن