Chapter 20

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After pushing open the door to Crystal's bed room I gasped, Everything was thrown everywhere and was broken or turned over. Almost as if someone had either been fighting was was searching for something. Freaking out I reached for my phone again, calling Crystal.





No answer. Where is she? I looked about the room, looking in her closet, under her bed- everywhere. Everywhere I could think of that is. I walked out of her room and tore into her bathroom, frantic. I NEED to find her. Looking into her bathtub, that sat just beside the door jam, there was blood. Everywhere. I immediately assumed that it was Crystal's. I have no idea how long I stood there just looking at the tub full of blood before I realized that there was something moving inside it. I reached in, not caring that my entire arm was covered in blood, until I found hair. Yanking I pulled a head out of the tub frantically I wiped the blood away from the face so I could figure out if it was her.

There is no way I could have been prepared for the eyes that met my own. My own mother's face was contorted in horror, there was slashes around her neck and grabbing her arm I realized that there were multiple cuts streaming from the top of her shoulder to her finger tips. I allowed myself only a few minutes to cry before I grabbed my phone and called 911.

"911 what is your emergency?" The responder asked, sounding bored. Little did this person I was about to make their whole day much more interesting.

"I need help." I gave the address. "There was some kind of robbery or something maybe, I'm not sure but there was definitely a murder." Next thing I knew I was breaking down in tears and smearing my mother's blood all over my clothes, the floor, and my face.

"Honey, calm down ok? Everyone is on their way. Do you want me to stay on the phone with you until they get there?"

I took a deep breath to calm myself, then I said with the most certainty, "No, I'm leaving. I need to find the owners to the home. Their my best friends." I hung up before the person could respond and shoved my phone in my back pocket and ran out of the house.

As I was making my way down the stairs on the front porch I tripped and scrapped across her gravel driveway. "Fuck." I swore.

"Your mother would not approve of that kind of language."

I looked up at Hayden through a tangle of matted hair in front of my face. Getting to my feet I grabbed his collar and lifted him off the ground, despite my size. "What the hell did you do to Crystal?" I growled my face mere centimeters away from his.

"Calm yourself there shortie. She's fine. Her family? I couldn't say the same. They're not exactly in their right mind."

"Where the hell are they?!" I screamed in his face with all the anger and fear I had.

"Just a little place where me, you, and Bre used to hang out." He said calmly ripping himself from my strong grasp. "Bre might have the same fate as your mother if you don't hurry." Then right before my eyes he vanished.

I jumped into my truck as fast I could and started driving. I drove to the only place I knew of. The abandoned farm house that was only a few miles away.



The blood was still seeping through the ceiling and I felt hopeless. What did I have to do to Hannah? Would I even be able to? She's my best friend. No, I decided, I could never hurt Hannah. He'd have to kill me first. I sat there silently with my family who was still gawking over the bloody ceiling. Next thing I knew I heard a vehicle pull up to the property. It was very faint but I caught it. My heart race sped up, was this someone who was coming to help me? Or kill me? I hoped it wasn't the latter. I heard a door fly open and foot steps frantically running through the house and making its way downstairs. More doors were opening, then there was a scream. An ear piercing scream. I was suddenly scared, I was scared of who this mystery person was.



I burst into the house in a frantic search. I ran through the house until I found the stairs leading into the basement and sprinted down them taking them around two or three at a time. I reached the first door in the long hallway and tore it open, nothing. I didn't find anything until I opened the third door and what I saw scared the shit out of me.

There, laying on a bloody cot was Brenna. Her pale blue eyes were starring helplessly up at the ceiling and her golden blonde hair was cascading over the mattress and pillow. I looked about the room and realized that she had slit her own throat. In her hand was a jagged piece of the mirror that she had shattered in her hand. After collecting myself for a few seconds I gathered up enough courage to carry on and find Crystal.

Leaving that room I shut the door behind me and made my way to the fourth door where it was empty. At the seventh door I came across the exact person I was looking for. I saw Crystal laying on the floor by a table and her family across from her that was starring up at the ceiling. I looked up and saw an entire puddle of blood seeping through the ceiling.

"Crystal, we gotta go now." I said and sprang to action untying her ropes and getting her to help me with the rest of her family. After that was all done we all ran back up the stairs and were just about to cross the door jam when he appears right in front of me. Blocking our escape.

"You think it'd be that easy?" He sneered, the. He back handed me. Sending me, Crystal, and her family down the stairs. "It won't be." He grinned grabbing me by my hair, levitating me. I screamed from the pain, I was pretty sure my scalp was starting to gush blood. Then he slammed me into the wall, sending black dots across my vision. "Here, Hannah is where you die. Any last words?"

"Yeah, fuck you." Then I spat in his face and tried to stand. But, as soon as I found my footing I felt something jab into my back. I looked down and saw the tip of a long kitchen knife sticking out of my chest. The blood pooling in my shirt, then I looked over at Crystal who's face was filled with horror. Next thing I knew there were many more piercing jabs and I clasped onto the floor. "I wish I could've done more." I muttered before it all went to black.


Sorry, I had to make myself die. It was the only thing that would have made the story the much better!


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