I could hear Frankie repeat the word beach over and over again, feeling his excitement radiate through out this entire house. As I grabbed a bag, stuffing it with towels, sunblock, a notebook and pens, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My long dark hair, and almond-shaped green eyes were just like my mother's - half of me taking after her Japanese heritage. But the rest of me: my pouty lips and smooth, deep caramel skin was all my dad.

"Let's go Rora!" Frankie's excited squeals rang through my ears as he bursted into my room. With his swimming trunks on, his arms full of random toys and everything that kept him innocent, Frankie was truly ready for a day out on the beach.

"Hey buddy," I chuckled, redirecting my attention from the mirror to my little brother whom I loved so much. As I grabbed my bag of beach essentials, I peeked outside of my large window, catching glimpse of the turquoise waters several yards away.

The water looked cool, refreshing, and as blue as the sky. It glimmered beneath the sun's rays and I was itching to face plant into the sand - okay, maybe not face plant, but I was eager to relax in the warmth.

"Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" Frankie jumped up and down, tugging onto my left arm.

I laughed alongside him, letting the little boy lead me from the room. The two of us ran down the staircase and towards the front door, where the hustle and bustle of Percival Shores awaited.

"Be careful you two!" Mom called out to us from the family room. My olfactory senses kicked into full gear as the strong, yet oddly comforting scent of fresh paint filled my nose. Without having to see it physically, I already knew that my mother was delved deep into her latest masterpiece.

"Yes ma'am!" I responded, just as I grasped the door knob.

I opened the barricade, the sun hitting our skin like a blanket straight out of the dryer and it felt like home. Though mom, Frankie, and I have only been in Percival Shores for three days, I already felt so welcome. Yes, it seemed like we were the only people of color in this small coastal town, but this place felt more like home than our last in Arden Heights.

I needed a change - we all did, and I'm glad this move happened. It was different for me, to accept life alterations and dive head first into adapting to a new routine. But home in Arden Heights didn't feel like home anymore and we needed to get out. Percival Shores became the perfect remedy to ebb the heaviness in our hearts, and it helped that this costal town was filled with muses.

Frankie and I continued our short trek to the sandy beach before us. We followed a concrete path to a set of stone steps built into a cliff where cute couples, laughing friends, and happy families alike took photos. From the top, we could see the Percival Shores pier where small shops, restaurants, and a carnival rides all stood. It was a never ending summer dream here and I couldn't be anymore pleased.

"I want to play in the water," Frankie grinned up at me, his eyes squinting from the sun shining directly above us. His little hands grasped onto the metal railing as we made our way down the stone steps to the sand.

"Help me set up our blanket and then you may play," I negotiated, leading him to a perfect spot on the sand. Close enough to the water, but far enough from the rolling tides. "Do we have a deal?"

I brandished out the blue fabric towards my little brother, and with excitement, Frankie quickly snatched the blanket from my hands, unfolding it onto the warm sand. His movements were quick, a little messy, but he did the job - a smile never falling from his face.

"I wanna play!" Frankie stood at the center of the blanket, pointing to the blue waters where his heart belonged.

As much as I wanted him to fix the corners of the blanket, I could see the thrill in his green eyes and I couldn't say no. The fresh air was the best kind of treatment - well, according to my mother, but I agreed. So with a sigh and a smile, I nodded my head.

Crazy, Stupid, You & Me ✖ hood auजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें