Blue Ring

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   You walked to the stage to pick an object from a bag held by host of the party Alois Trancy. You put your hand in the bag and swiftly took out a Blue gem ring from the bag. It was Ciel Phantomhive's family ring that meant a lot to him. Ciel came to you and put out his hand for his ring.
   "Now please do hurry I do not  have time enough to dally around."  Ciel told you. which you replied rather snidely finding what he said rude.
   " Of course Lord Phantomhive." You handed him the ring and walked in to the quite large Trancy Manor's Closet, you knew the closet very well for you are a maid for Alois Trancy but you soon began to regret working for him when he with his own fingers poked out the other maid; Hannah's eye and you began to become scared that he may do the same to you. You knew Alois was suffering mentally inside and in a way could not help his actions he performed he was not a monster who just hurt people but a boy suffering. You hated when people called him a monster because you knew the truth. Ciel came into the closet where you sat against one of your young masters coats hung in the closet. You Remember an announcement Ciel Phantomhive had made earlier tonight. He had announced he broke his engagement with Elizabeth, because he had fallen in love with someone and planned to ask for their hand if they loved him too. You wondered who was the girl was who had caused Ciel to fall in love with them.
   You had admired Ciel Phantomhive and wished he could fall in love with a servant but you thought it was impossible  and let your dream of being Mrs. Ciel Phantomhive fade away with all your other dreams you had involving Ciel. You felt a hand slightly bigger then your hand grasp yours. Your hand was then lifted to Ciel's mouth and he gently kissed your hand.
   " I have watched you work for Alois Trancy without complaint even when Alois hurt or yelled at the other servants and even at you sometimes. I watched you cry silently to only your self and I watched you survive the fear you had of your master Alois Trancy and how you forgave him knowing he is sick. I have fallen in Love with you Ms.(L/N), will you come to Phantomhive manor and become my wife?" Ciel asked you, hoping you would accept his offer.
​​​​​​​   "Yes of course I will Ciel, I loved you but I thought a aristocrat and young Lord like your self could never love a servant." You leaned towards each other and kissed gently but passionately. Ciel licked your lip for entrance to his new fiance's mouth and you obliged to him. He searched your mouth and claimed you as his and only his but you always wanted to be his. The door to the closet was opened by Alois who had a smirk from seeing what had happened. You walked out of the closet and looked down to find Ciel had placed a silver ring with a blue stone in your ring finger the ring was very similar to his but yours was smaller and fit your hand and when you looked over to find Ciel had announced that you were his new fiance, you could not be happier. I guess dreams can come true sometimes.

                                                                                     I was listening to Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace and Five finger Death Punch and each of those songs gave me inspiration for inspiration.

Black Butler Seven Minutes In HeavenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ