Chapter 3

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  I started to walk around and noticed that there wasn't that much dust on the furniture, and that's when the door started to open. I quickly ducked behind the couch. I quietly looked around the couch to see who had walked in. It wasn't anything I had seen before, it's eyes were this really dark green and it had this childlike face, but it's body was so strange. The creature moved like a human but was definitely not human. It was about 7 feet tall, but that wasn't the strangest thing about it. It had two arms sticking out of it's side.

I thought maybe it didn't see me. It might not have seen me, but it saw my cart and quickly stopped moving. I thought maybe he was thinking, when did I get a new cart?, but then I realized he was listening. He turned around so quickly that I had no time to duck. He quickly walked over to the couch and started to talk in this weird language, but when he realized that I couldn't understand him, he had this look of annoyance. "What are you doing here?", he said, sounding very annoyed yet slightly curious. "I fell out of a plane", I said. My voice was kind of shaking from the fact that I thought he was going to kill me, not question me. " That kid, I swear it's like he has nothing better to do nowadays," Mr. Creature guy said. "What are you talking about?", I asked.

He didn't answer my question, just said that we have to get some stuff for me to get home. We obviously couldn't go right now seeing as it was raining. Mr. Creature guy was really annoyed that he had to share his house with a stranger. I started to snoop around when he went to bed. I found this old newspaper article, with a guy that looked exactly like Mr. Creature guy, his name was Wilkson. Apparently there was a plane crash just like the one I went throught. Wilkson's stuff was found in the middle of the ocean, not to far from here, but they assumed that he drown.

I quickly put the article back when I heard the floor creaking. I pretended that I was asleep when Mr. Creature guy(or Wilkson), walked into the room. "Let's go," was all that was said. I quickly grabbed my first aid bag and an sandwhich. "The sun isn't even awake, so where are we going and why couldn't we go later?" I asked kind of annoyed that I didn't get any sleep. "We aren't the only ones on this island," was the only thing he said and then continued to walk forward. I think he found out that I know. How? I don't know but somehow he just does. 

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