Chapter 2

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It was a long fall, I remember counting the seconds it took to hit the ground and that's when everything went black. When I woke I had no idea where I was. I got up and started to walk around and investigate. The island appeared to be abandoned but I didn't want to take any chances. I started to walk back to the place where I landed when I noticed these really weird footprints. I wanted to investigate, but I didn't want to go unarmed, so I quickly walked back to my landing spot. I gathered all my stuff together and noticed the cart was near my stuff. At that moment, I was really glad that all the food was wrapped up, when ever I had gotten on a plane before I always wondered why they did that.

I saw a knife laying on the ground near the cart, I guess it was on the cart when it fell. I grabbed the knife, pushed the cart near my suitcase, and grabbed my first aid bag. "Now that I'm armed I can investigate", I said to no one. I started to think, great now I'm talking to myself, I really need to get off this island. I walked towards the footsteps and started to follow the steps. 1 hour later, all I found out about the footprints was that they led to this old shack.

I went back to my crashing spot and gathered all my stuff and put it on the cart to wheel it to the shack. On the way to the old shack, I tripped over a rock and cut my arm. I stood up and looked at the cut, it wasn't that bad so I didn't want to use the first aid, so I tore my shirt and wrapped it around the cut. I walked back to the cart and continued to walk. When I finally got to the shed, it was probably around 5, since it was starting to get dark. I walked in and pushed the cart against the wall.

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