“Yes it does!” Greyson says from the door.

I laugh as he grins and Lucy huffs, mumbling 'Jerks'.

“Could I please get my little sister for a sec?” Greyson asks.

I shrug and nod. He smiles and Lucy walks to him.

“Anyway, you guys have to do all ten questions on page 332” I state.

They all groan causing me to sigh.

“You guys are worse then my year seven class” I mumble.

Soon the bell goes off and I wait patiently for Recess to end so I can get the day over and done with. I spent recess in my homeroom with Jason and Greyson. I was happy because Greyson was still bringing me in chicken sandwiches.

“I think I'm in love with this sandwich” I moan.

Both men look at me like I'm crazy before laughing.

“Having problems with eating meat at home?” Jason asks.

I nod my head. Jason knows Krystal's pregnant. Krystal let it slip out when talking to Jesse and Brax so she said I should tell Jason.

“She's banned all meat in the house because she doesn't want the temptation. Those babies have my genes. They are made for eating meat” I say.

They both chuckle a little before giving me confused stares.

“Babies?” Jason asks.

“As in plural?” Greyson adds.

I nod my head smiling proudly.

“Men, I will be a proud father of two babies and a four year old” I say smiling.

“How does that work?” Jason asks.

“Well, I'm adopting Thomas as you know. And Krystal's pregnant with twins. We wanted to know the sex but didn't at the same time so we asked to know the sex of just one. I know that I will have my little Thomas and another little boy. Maybe three boys, maybe two boys and a baby girl” I say smiling. Jason nods his head.

“All you two have to do is hurry up and get your fiancé's pregnant so our boys can grow up as best mates” I say.

They both laugh and shake their head.

“Holly can't have kids. We found out a month ago. We're trying to adopt a little boy from Egypt” Jason says.

I nod in understanding while giving a small sad smile.

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