The Weird Green Light

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   I walked in the house after a long day of teaching a bunch of kindergarteners how to read. Fun. I dropped my bag and popped Dragon Age 2 in the Xbox and got ready to play. The game started to get to the main menu when all of a sudden it glitched. "What the what!" I yelled getting up from the living room couch "Come on! Wor-! Ah!" I cut my self off screaming a bit as the TV became a bright green light that looked big enough to walk through. I felt strangely compelled to get a closer look, so I did. I walked to the corner of the room, grabbed my plastic lightsaber (you know in case I get attacked by plastic storm troopers or run into a piñata) that I had gotten for Christmas many years ago, and slowly inched toward the light with my lightsaber held out in front of me. When I got close enough to the light I sort of poked at it with the lightsaber until I felt safe enough to touch it with my pail hand. As soon as I did I felt a great force (haha see what I did there) pushing me forward, and then a loud snap could be heard as I fell hard to the ground. I looked up, dark brown hair still in my face, and I was astonished to see the Kirkwall Alienage! Looking down I saw my lightsaber had changed into a two daggers, and my clothes into armer!
"Holy cheesecake!" I said excitedly "This is awesome!" "That's not the elf!" I heard someone yell out. "We have orders to kill anyone who enters the room!" I heard another reply. I remember this! It's bait and switch, the quest to recruit Fenris! He was always my favorite character other than Varric, (although I hadn't been able to finish the game yet because of work and stuff)! "Look!" I heard a Teventer yell out "They have backup!" "Oh crap!" I replied barely dodging the swing of a sword "Not good, really not good!" I griped the end of my daggers and used them to deflect yet another Teventer's blade and cut him down. "Look out!" I heard a man yell. Wait I know that voice! I hit the ground and as soon as I did an arrow flew through a man who was about to stab me in the back. "You're Welcome" he said "Name's Varric Tetrice" "Thank you Varric!" I yelled over my shoulder as I stabbed another Teventer "I'm Ember, but everyone calls me Em!" Varric then shot the man I had just stabbed. "Well now I think you're just showing off!" I joked. We continued fighting the Teventers until we had killed all in our little aria. I looked around and saw Bethany, Merrill, a man who looked like the Hawk in the commercials only a warrior instead of a mage, Varric of course and one Teventer. I snuck up quickly and quietly behind her and stabbed her in the back. "Well now that that's taken care of." the man I assumed to be Hawk said "Who are you?" "Oh I'm Ember" I said with a smile sticking my hand out to shake "But call me Em." He took my hand and gave it a firm shake. I then went down the line of people and they all did the same until I stopped at Merrill. Merrill simply looked at me with a look that told me she was scared out of her socks. "Don't worry" I said "I only bite on days that end in 'y'." "But every day en-" she said stopping herself as she realized I was joking "Wait you're being sarcastic right." "You're so sweet!" I replied wrapping her in a hug "Let's be friends!" "Haha I think I have a good nickname for you!" Varric said looking quite pleased with himself "Giggles!" "I like it!" I replied with a laugh "But if you don't mind my asking, what are your names?" "A fare question." the assumed Hawk said "That's Merrill, Bethany, Varric, and I'm Hawk!" Hawk pointed to each person as he said there name ending on himself. "Well Hawk I have a feeling that this is a normal night for you" I said "And I would love to join you if you'd let me!" "Hmmm. I am planning an expedition into The Deep Roads!" Hawk replied "And after seeing you with those daggers of yours I'd be a fool not to let you come!" "M'kay! I'll probably be at the chantry if and when you need me!" I said excitedly. We all began to walk towards the stares when yet another Teventer walked out. "I don't know who you are friend but you made a serious mistake coming here!" Mister Jerk Face ranted "Lieutenant, I want everyone in the clearing! Now!" "Captan!" a bleeding lieutenant gasped as he stumbled out. Fenris followed closely going straight to Señor Dirt Bag. "Your men are dead and your trap has failed" he said "I suggest running back to your master while you still can." "You're going nowhere slave!" The little potato spat out as he grabbed Fenris by the arm. "Go die in a hole slaver!" I screamed as I griped my daggers and stabbed the little peace of crap. "Maker's breath Em!" Hawk commented "I didn't know you had this in you!" "Are you alright?" I asked Fenris ignoring everyone else's comments about how I had cut down the Teventer. "Yes it appears I am" he answered with the ghost of a smile. He then turned around to talk to Hawk. "My name is Fenris. These men were imperial bounty hunters, seeking to find a magister's lost property, namely myself. They were trying to lure me into the open." he explained "Crude as their methods were I could not face them alone. Thankfully Anso chose wisely." "Do your markings play a part in why they want you back so badly?" Hawk asked. I flinched knowing what happened to Fenris and how hard it is for him to talk about it. "Hmmm. Yes I imagine I look strange to you." he replied with eace "I did not receive them by choice but they have served me well. Without them I would still be a slave." "Anso's job did seem a little too easy" Hawk said. "Perhaps the deception was unnecessary, if so I apologize." Fenris replied "I have grown too accustomed to hiding." "If they were really trying to recapture you then I'm happy I helped." Hawk said. "That remains to be seen. I am afraid I have to ask yet another favor." Fenris replied "My former master is hunting me and I have tracked him to a mansion in Hightown, and I can not defeat him on my own." "Hmmm." Hawk said thinking "What do you think Em?" "Me?!" I asked pointing to myself. "Yes you!" Hawk said laughing a bit "You seem to have a strong opinion on what we should do, so what is it!" "I think we should help him, he seems the kind of man who only asks for help when he absolutely has to." I explained "Besides it is the right thing to do." "You heard the lady!" Hawk said "Lead the way!"

Stuck in a Game (Fenris x OC)Where stories live. Discover now