chapter 9

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated. I haven't had much time lately but here's what I've been writing

Percy pov:q

Im really trying to fit in with my old friends but it's hard. They treat me different even though they don't know why I'm so messed up.

I hate this. I feel... nothing. The constant pain I usually feel is now only a dulled numb. I want the pain back. It makes me feel

I'm back in my own cabin and it's empty and alone. The silence grants me some solitude. I pull out my phone (Charlie gave me it, I guess he invented phones that didn't attract monsters) and go on youtube. I look up a song I heard once when Gabe's friend showed him it. It is called The Sound Of Silence by Disturbed (A/N the song is above)

It is so intense it makes me forget how screwed up my life is. The sheer beauty of it is hypmotizing. I could sit there for hours and just listen.

I turn my music up to the loudest it will go on my phone and I go to my bathroom, hoping that what I need is still there.

I sigh when it isn't where I left it. I leave my bathroom and look back to my bed. Oh how I wish I could just close my eyes and never wake up.

But I cant. I promised Leo, frank, and jason that I would fight with them. I have to help them. Once the war is over I can leave, and I don't just mean leaving camp.

I walk out of my cabin and was temporarily blinded by the light. Was the light in my cabin off that whole time? Whatever, I guess it was.

I to walk to the dining Pavillion for breakfast and sit at my table. Putting on earbuds I put on Joyriding by Frank Iero. I haven't heard this song in months!

Leo, Frank, and Jason see me sitting alone and decide to come sit with me. Leo across from me and Jason and Frank on my sides.

Leo gets tired of the silence and pulls the earbuds out of my ears. I glare and him and he flinches, causing me to smirk.

I've still got it, even when I'm in bad shape.

"So perce, do you want to spar after breakfast?" Jason says

"Yeah, sure." I say not really interested in sparring, but I know I have to start practicing again. "I need to practice-"

"Yay!" He cuts me off and says like the childish person he is.

"But if you hold back, or go easy on me, I promise I will freeze your drinks every day for the rest of your life, which won't be very long because you need to drink water to survive"

-'---time skip to the spar''---'

I was all suited up in my armour and I had riptide ready. I miss holding this sword. It's perfect.

Jason and I walk to the arena together both in our complete sets of armour.

When we get there we see half of the camp is there.

"Well, let's go perce." He says and we get into our positions. I observe his stance and by that I figure out that he is going to go for my left after fienting a blow to my right.

He comes in and starts his attack. I was right.

I counter him by dropping to the ground and rolling between his legs he turns around and just stares at me gaping for a few seconds

That was his big mistake. It gave me time to swipe his legs out from under him. He falls to the ground and drops his sword.

While he reaches for it I put my blade to his throat and kick his sword away.

He mumbles something inaudible and I say "I'm sorry. I can't hear you."

He then yells loud enough for the whole camp to hear "FINE. YOU, PERSEPHONE JACKSON, WIN!"

"That's better" I remove the sword form his throat and offer him a hand to help him up. He takes it and gets up.

"Hmmm." I say cautiously "I expected you to pull me-"

I hit the ground with a thud and groan because there is some thing heavy on top of me.

"Why did you tackle me Leo"

"Because I felt like it"

"Well guess what" I say to the Latino boy laying on top of me.

"What" He says innocently

I pull his head down and whisper on his ear " you have 5 seconds to run before I come and kill you"


"FOUR" I yell back and he takes off

The entire crowd laughs. I forgot they were there.

I run off in the same direction Leo ran in and look around for a few minutes.



I barely have time to look up before once again I fall to the ground with Leo's weight on top of me.

I look into his beautiful brown eyes and I put my hand on the back of his neck playing with his curly brown hair. Slightly I lift my head up and he slowly lowers his until our lips meet in a shy kiss.

I pull away "Oh gods. I'm so sorry. U shouldn't have done that."

"Oh do you not like me like that?" He says sadly

"Holy hestia Leo . Of course I like you like that, but I just thought that you weren't over calypso and that you didn't like me." I start rambling

" woah woah woah. Slow down princess."

I raise my eyebrow at tel he new nickname. "Princess? What the hades does that make you then?"

"I can be whatever you want me to be" He says seriously "for you I would give my life."

"Well, let's hope it doesn't come to that"

He rolls off of me and we walk towards the beach. We sit there for a long time just cuddling on the sand and enjoying each other's company.



"I've decided on what I want you to be"

"And what is that?"

"Mine" I say and I fall asleep in his arms.

Water In My Eyes, Fire In My Heart (Percy Jackson Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن