“I think I'm going to go for a run with some of the guys now,” he sighed. “I need a bit of exercise.”

  He said that but I knew he didn’t mean it. Heck, he’d only just had PE. He just couldn’t stand seeing Ellie and Jay so close together and, well, happy.  Kyle just couldn’t take that and I suppose I understand because he really does like Ellie; I’ve got no idea why? She’s a little bit of a slut.

  When he left the four of us sat down on the grass with a few other friends and we started begging Beth to tell us what made Kyle cry. I know it sounds harsh doing this seeing as he doesn’t want us to know but we’re his friends. He can trust us.

  “Just tell us Beth!” Ellie shouted, well it was more of a screech really.

  “Fine, but it says between us four and you can’t tell him I told you, alright?”

  “Sure. Whatever,” we answered, opening our ears.

  “His mum and dad are getting a divorce,” she whispered. “He came to me about it and he was really upset. And he’s scared about having to choose someone to live with and about what his brothers are going to do.”

  “They can’t be splitting up! His mum and dad are well cool,” Jay complained, rather loudly.

  “Well they are, and his little brothers are really upset and they don’t want to talk to his mum or dad anymore so they’re just clinging onto him and they really need him to stay strong for them.”

  “Poor Kyle,” Jay mumbled as he pulled Ellie onto his knee. “You’d tell me if anything was bothering you like that, wouldn't you?” he said caringly into her ear, but we all could hear him even though he was trying to be quiet.

  “I tell you everything babes,” she lied.

  I can’t believe I'm only now noticing how devious she is. I hate her. To think I use to think of her as a friend; it’s just weird.

  “Erm, guys I’ve got to go now,” I said quietly as I stood up with my bag.

  “Where are you going?”

  I might as well be honest.

  “To see Mr. Sanders,” I mumbled as I walked away.

  “Why?” they shouted at me.

  “Just because,” I yelled back to them.

  Best answer ever! There’s nothing more straightforward than that.

  As I was walking across the yard I noticed that Liza was walking towards me. Great! I don’t mean that in a mean way, it’s just she can be a little annoying and well, earlier today she kid of kissed me. So, yeah, maybe it’s best if we don’t say hi every time we see each other. Especially if she’s going to force herself on me, which I honestly do forgive her for by the way.

  “Hey Zacky,” she sniffed like she’d been crying again.

  “Hi,” I mumbled trying to sound interested.

  “I'm really sorry about earlier,” he whispered.

  “I’m over it, don’t worry. It’s not the first time or the last that someone’s been like that with me,” I joked making her laugh a little.

  “Thanks Zack. You’re awesome,” she grinned. “Are you alright now?”

  “Oh, yeah,” I mumbled. Why did she have to ask that?

  “You looked so upset in maths...”

  “I know,” I hissed interrupting her. “And it’s my business so don’t go telling anyone or bringing it up again.”

  “I'm sorry,” she sighed. “And it wasn't me telling people about it; I wouldn't do that.”

  I knew she wouldn't do that, she likes me, why would she try to make things difficult for me?

  “I know you wouldn't, I’m just a little worked up about it at the moment.”

  I don’t really know why I told her that. I could have easily thought of an excuse to get away by now, but the truth is she looked so sad and I knew she was only really talking to me at the moment. I’m not one hundred percent sure but I think she’s fallen out with her friends.

  “Are you feeling alright?” I asked her.

  She shook her head at me.

  “Can I just talk to you for a bit?” she asked me. God, she sounded so desperate, she looked it too. Maybe she just needs a good chat. I can give her that, can’t I?

  I looked down at my watch; we had ages before the bell went but I sort of wanted to go see Cole earlier so I can have more time to try and explain to him what happened to me. I don’t know why I'm telling him but I feel like he’s the only person I can trust and who’ll help me.

  “Sure, do you want to go somewhere more private than the middle of the yard?”

  “Ha, yeah; that’d be good actually,” she laughed. “Do want to go to the library? We can have a quiet chat there and no one will disturb us.” She noticed the expression on my face and burst out laughing.  “Or we could sit on the field,” she laughed.

  “Go on then,” I chuckled. 

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