Chaos Elite

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The Alive Children of The Big Three The Demigods with The Hardest Lives
Perseus Jackson Son of Poseidon
Nicholas Di Angelo Son of Hades
Thalia Grace Daughter Of Zeus Lieutenant of Artemis
Jason Grace Son of Jupiter
Hazel Levesque Daughter of Pluto
Have Been Betrayed Ever Since Coal Dennis Son of Hades Nathan Brett Son of Poseidon Josh Hayden Son of Zeus and Adeline Heather Daughter of Hades Arrived at Camp And Were Claimed By Hades Poseidon and Zeus Hazel Percy Nico and Jason have been discarded like Trash. Like Percy Hadn't Went Through Hell And Numerous other Quest Almost dying like a Gajillion Times For Them. As If Nico Hadn't Helped So Much Even Though He is Treated as an Outsider as If He Hadn't Went Through Hell To Get Information as if he hadn't Been Kidnapped by Giants. As If Jason Hadn't Went on a Quest For the Greeks Without Memories and Trying to Stop A War between Camp Jupiter and Camp Half Blood Despite Hera Taking His Memories. As If Hazel Hadn't Learned to use the Mist to Save Them as If She Hadn't Got the Legion's Crown Back.
And At The Hunters Camp When Tyler Rochelle Shows Up asking to Become Part of The Hunt and When Zeus Finds out he Forces Artemis to Disband Thalia and Make Tyler his Only Daughter - In his Mind - The New Lieutenant As If She Hadn't Died For Olympus And Fought against Her Best Friend Even though it Killed her as Much as It Did Him .....
But Now Despite All That
Percy Jackson Nico Di Angelo Jason Grace Thalia Grace and Hazel Levesque Have Been Sentenced To Die...

My Character Guide

Tyler Rochelle
Daughter Of Zeus (Supposedly)

Josh Hayden
Son of Zeus (Supposedly)

Coal Dennis
Son of Hades (Supposedly)

Nathan Brett
Son of Poseidon ( Supposedly)

Adeline Heather
Daughter of Hades (Supposedly)

PLEASE CHECK OUT WaveDamZabat She's AWSOME Check out her Profile

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