New vampire in town

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I woke up the next day and went down stairs to the fridge, grabbed a blood bag and jumped on the sofa. I had ages before I had to get to school. I finished my blood bag and threw it into the bin.

"bulls eye!" I said.

I turned the TV on to see if there was anything good on. I went passed the news and thought i might look at it so i did. There were a couple that died last night by an 'animal attack'. Gosh three people in two days. I run up stairs and into my room the get changed. I was glad i got all my clothes now. I put on some black short shorts and a white top with a black leather jacket over it with my army boots. I want into my bathroom and brushed my teeth. I brushed my hair and walked out of my room. I went down stairs. Stefan was sitting there with Elena and they were kissing. 

"Ewe!" I said. They both looked up and laughed.

"Oh. Stefan, go on the recoded stuff. I recorded the news." I said.

"OK." He watched it and his face went pink. I laughed a little then stopped as i realized he was really going bright pink. "We are going to get caught." 

"No your not. Damon is on the council so they won't suspect you." Elena said to him in a comforting way.

"Oh and Elena can i have a lift to school please?" I asked.

"I will drive ya." Damon said from behind me. It made me jump a little.

"Um, OK but you have to drive me to SCHOOL and nowhere else." I said.

"OK." He said.

Me and Damon walked out the door and got in the car. 

"So what you going to do today while we are at school?" I asked.

"Well, I was thinking look for that vampire which is making me look good." He answered. 

"Ha ha," I said sarcastically. "But its way t o dangerous. You could get killed or something." 

"You are so positive." He said

"I mean it Damon, you could get hurt." 

"So...You care about me?"

"Well, I...I...I'm nice I care about everyone." 

"No, you care about me."

"Just get me to school like you said you would."

We drove into the school parking lot and Damon stopped the car. I got out and shut the door. 

"Thanks." I said to him.

"Any time." He said.

I walked up the steps and walked into the school. My first lesson was Tech. Second lesson was English. Third lesson was Maths. Forth was ICT. Fifth was Music. 

When I got home everyone was there, Elena, Stefan, Damon, Elena's brother, Bonnie, Caroline and our history teacher.

"Hey Mr Saltzman. What are you doing here?" I said.

"Hello Kate. Call me Rick, I know everything about you and your friends." He replied.

"Oh, How?" I said.

"Long story." He said.

"OK." I said.

I was so confused.

"We are going to hunt a vampire." Damon said.

"I don't think we have to." I said. "Bring him in Charlie." I said. "Charlie is my witch."

Charlie walked in with a vampire tied up and vervain all over.

"And that's my part done." I said as i jumped onto the sofa and flicked through the channels.

"How did you find him?" Stefan asked.

"Ask Charlie." I replied.

Everyone looked at the witch that was holding vervain tot he vampires throat.

"He was sucking the life out of someone when me and Kake walked passed so i made him fall to the floor in pain so Kate put him in my car." She said.

Everyone just looked at Kate with blank faces.

"Put him in the cellar and we will question him tomorrow." Stefan said.

Damon threw him in the cellar then went hunting. Rick went home. Caroline went hunting with Stefan. Charlie and Bonnie went back to Bonnies. Elena and Jeremy went home and I went up to my room.

I put my P.Js on and got into bed.

Kate The VampireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora