Boarding House

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We got to the boarding house in about 5 minuets when it was supposed to take 20 minuets. I got out of the car and looked up at the boarding house, It was massive. Like the big houses in movies where celebrity's live. We walked up to th big black door and Damon grabbed a key out of his pocket and opened the door. Stefan and Damon walked in. I tried but I couldn't. Stefan walked into the kitchen and Damon ran upstairs.

"Um, Guys? I can't get in." I called. Which I didn't really have to do.

They both got to the door at the same time.

"Oh god, I forgot. This house belongs to Elena! I will call her now." Stefan said.

He got his phone out and put it to his ear. He began talking to Elena and walking into the kitchen.

"So. Having fun out there." Damon said, obviously trying to make me mad at him.

I just met Damon today and know he was dick. He was good looking and mean. Perfect vampire.

"Yep, best time ever actually." I said.

"Good, because your going to be out there for a while." He said and smiled.

"Yay." I said under my breath.

Stefan walked round corner looking rather sexy.

"Damon, stop being a dick." He said. Haha, just what I though. He turned to look at me,"Elena should be here in about ten minuets."

"Ok, so, when is my stuff gonna be picked up." I said.

"One second I need to call someone to ask them to pick your stuff up." Stefan said and walked back into the kitchen making another call.

Ten minuets took longer than it seemed. Elena turned up on Jenna's car and walked in.

"Sorry Kate." She said.

"Its fine, I have been have a great time out here." I said and smiled a sarcastic smile at Damon.

Elena looked at me like I was a freak. And invited me in. I said "thanks' and went up stairs with Damon. He showed me where my room was and went into his own room which was right next to mine. He turned the music up really loud and started playing what sounded like a guitar.

"SHUT UP! I NEED SLEEP!" I shouted as it was about 3 O'clock in the morning and I had school.

"Sorry but I haven't got school tomorrow so I can stay up as long as I want!" He shouted back over the music.

He didn't stop until about 5 in the morning and I got up at 6:30 so I was gonna be tired. I fell asleep and had a weird dream, I was in a field full of roses. Ad they were all red apart from one. That one was black and it was exactly in the middle of the field. I went over and was about to touch it when Elena popped up and grabbed...wait a minute, Elena grabbed Elena? That couldn't be right. That was when I got woke up. By more load music. I checked the time on the little alarm clock and jumped out of bed. It was 7:30. I had to be at school at 8:30.

I had a knock at the door.

"Come in." I said.

It was Damon.

"I was going to give you a lift to school but...." He trailed off.

He knew I slept over and didn't wake me up, I grabbed a pillow and threw it at the door. He caught it and stuck his hand through it and pulled out loads of feather then pointed at me then walked out. That obviously symbolised him pulling my heart out.

I walked over to the walk in wardrobe which every room had except mine had 2 pairs of clothes in it because all my stuff is at my old house and was getting picked up some time this week. I put on my Black skinny jeans and a red top with biker boots and a leather jacket. I walked down stairs and Damon was waiting there at the door with a bottle of blood.

"Here." He said as he handed it to me, " I am driving you to school."

"Why?" I asked, the stories I heard about him had nothing to do with him being nice.

"Because I want to." He said.

"But why do you want to?" I asked again.

"'Couse I wanna see what the school looked like since I left it." He said.

I gave him the best 'what ever' look I could.

"Do you wanna get to school on time of what?" He said, actually having a point I grabbed the blood out of his had and walked out the door.

"Someones in a mood." He said.

"You kept me up all night with your music." I said. "How could I not be in a mood."

We got in the car and drove off.

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