Kate The Vampire

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My name is Kate, i live in a small town named Mystic Falls. I am 17 years old and I am an only child. My mother is still alive but my farther was human, and yes... i'm a vampire. I have lived here and there over the years. My real age is 160. My mother is about 183 so she is much stronger than me. I once lived in Mystic Falls when I was human, so did my mother. Me and my mother got turned around the same time, she go turned then i came back from a holiday with the school and she turned me. I think she wanted us to stay close because i was her only child. I knew about vampires before I got turned, some of my family hunted them, that's why me and my mother moved out of Mystic Falls... so they didn't hunt us. We now live back in Mystic Falls, we moved here about 2 weeks ago. Today i will start school again.

"" Kate...Kate...KATE...Wake up. You will be late for your first day back it like 140 years." My mother was saying was saying.

She sounds happy. I better get up now. Before she gets angry.

" I'm getting up, I'm getting up. Calm down and get out of my room!" I looked up and she was standing at the door.

" Lose the lip!" My mother was saying but to be honest I wasn't even paying attention. She walked out of my room and went down stairs.

I got out of bed and walked over to my wardrobe, it was a massive walk in one. I pushed the large blue double doors open and walked in. We are so rich because we have lived for so long and had plenty of jobs. I picked out some dark grey skinny jeans and a black top that looked like it have rips in it.

I picked out my army boots to wear. its hot so I won't were a jacket today. I skipped my way into my bathroom and brushed my teeth. Sometimes it was lonely being an only child, but at least I get all the attention. After I brushed my teeth I brushed through my brunette hair and run down the stairs, sometimes life was too easy. My mum got a bottle of human blood out the fridge and handed it to me, she wanted me strong so if anything happened I would be ready. I am able to handle it now if there is only a little bit of blood, but if there is a lot I have to get away fast and I mean fast. My mother often tested me with blood and stuff.

"Hey mum, I actually can't wait to go back to school, I know it sounds weird but I have a feeling I am going to enjoy it." I said. I was really truly exited.

"That's good to hear, I made you a packet lunch on the side."

"Mum, really?" I laughed.

"Yes really, you have to look normal."

"But I'm not so what's the point hiding it?" I said. She gave me a look.

"Because other wise they will call the police and take action on us. You saw what happened to John." John was my mothers boyfriend. At first he was our donor but it got to much and mum had to change him and then they got together. Until he started to get care less and not care about the secret. Some one found out then well you know what comes next. He got tortured and killed and my mother was heart broken but now she is over it.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry mum I shouldn't have said anything." I said. My mother tried to hide that she still cared but I can still see it in her eyes.

"Its fine. Just take your lunch and go to school. Be careful though please." She look as if she was about to have a break down. I hugged her grabbed my lunch and my black bag and left for school.

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