1. "Hey, Camera Girl, You Forgot Something."

Start from the beginning

And, damn it! I wanted a back row seat.

 I keep my back straight, taking a seat a row in front of them.

It's quiet in the room for a few moments. I keep my head down, messing around with my camera. I take it everywhere. The last time I thought I'd 'lost' it, I freaked out and had the world's biggest panic attack.

"Hey, Camera Girl," one of them calls. I gulp audibly, knowing they mean me. "You interested in Asian guys?"

I turn around, trying not to seem nervous. "I - I'm ... Not available, at the moment ... I mean, I'm not racist or anything," I ramble, a blush finding it's way to my cheeks. "I just - just don't want to-"

The warning bell rings, cutting off my ramble. I snap back around so fast I'm a bit surprised I don't get whiplash. I set my camera on my seat, knowing the teacher would probably get pissed about me having my camera in class.

"Okay, class," a middle - aged man walks in. He has sandy blond hair, and brown eyes. Not too bad for an older guy. "My name is Mr. Clears, I'm your new Calculus teacher."

"No shit," a kid yells.

Mr. Clears stares at the boy, who looks like he's pissing himself in fear right now, and says in a loud, clear voice, "Your lack of intelligence disturbs me."

I think I'll enjoy Calculus this year.

"Okay, then, class, let's get started." He says. "Just take notes of pages three thirty to three thirty  - one. We won't really learn anything that new until next week."

I open my book and begin explaining Calculus to study over the next week. I continue for another fifty - five minutes before the bell rings.

I hop up, packing my book and notes away before one - strapping it and walking to the door.

"Hey, Camera Girl," I turn around to see Drew Steele, the 'leader' of the "Heart Breakers". Sure, he's attractive, tousled light brown hair and piercing blue eyes. "You forgot something."

I look at his outstretched hands.

My camera.

"Th-" I start.

"Get to your next class, Dylan," Mr. Clears says, looking up. I scowl before hurrying out the door.


My camera.


"He still has your camera?" Noel shouts incredulously. 

 "No duh," I roll my eyes, pushing my food around my tray. "What do I do? It's my baby, Noel."

"I know it is," Noel says, looking out into the distance. "Shit, we need it back."


"Sorry, mom," she rolls her eyes. "Anyway, don't you need it for that banquet next month?"

I smack my forehead. "The banquet? I forgot!" I'm near shrieking. I need my camera, I need my camera, I need my-

"Calm the hell down, woman, we'll get it, I promise," she says. "And it's not until the, what, twenty - ninth?"

"Thirtieth," I correct, sinking into the hard plastic of the lunchroom chair. "I can't go a God damned day without my baby, Noel."

"You sound like that one ghost in Mama," Noel shakes her head. "Anyway, I promise we'll get it back."

I hold out my pinky. "Pinky swear?"

She links her's with mine. "Pinky swear."


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