Boyfriends gets jealous

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Author note Hey this is Jamesy a.ka Prickly gamer I couldn't update on my other cause it wattpad wouldn't let me.

Autumn and Darren:*holding hands and talks about stuff with Jamesy and Makoto*

Brian:"hey Jamesy and Winter"

Jamesy and Autumn:"OMG YOUR SO CUTE BRIAN!!!"*hugs Brian and pinches his cheek*

Makoto:"Argh I hate that kid"


Makoto:"because Brian getting all the attention you should be jealous too"

Darren:"Yeah you're right"

Makoto and Darren:*sends death glares at Brian*

Brian:*gets scared and runs away*

Makoto & Darren:*walks behind their girlfriends and hugs them from behind*

Autumn and Jamesy:"Yandere"

The Haddock SiblingsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon