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Autumn: Dad, I have to go now

Hiccup: Hold on, Where are you going?

Autumn: *mentally roll eyes* I'm going to my boyfriend's house

Hiccup: Okay stay safe I don't want you to get hurt

Autumn: K dad I'll be fine, I'll be going now bye! *waves* *leaves*

Hiccup: *secretly follows Autumn*

At Darren's house

Autumn: *knocks on the door* *waits*

Hiccup: *hides behind a bush*

Darren: *opens door* Hi Aika *kisses her forehead*

Autumn: *blushes a little* H-Hey so where do you wanna go?

Darren: Wherever you like

Autumn: *thinks* Can we go to Starbucks?

Darren: Sure I haven't been there in a while, I'll pay the food and drinks

Autumn: Are you sure Darren?

Darren: Positive, I'm boyfriend after all

Autumn: *smiles* Thanks Darren! *hugs him*

Darren: *smiles* *hugs back*

*phone rings*

Autumn: *groans little* Hold on *breaks hug* *answers phone* Hello? Oh kuya what is it? *turns* *walks a few steps away*

Hiccup: *gets out of hiding spot* *points a gun at Darren*

Darren: 0.0 Um sir... mind putting the gun down?

Hiccup: Oh sorry *hides gun* I thought you were someone else *lies*

Darren: *nods* I-It's okay...

Hiccup: Just um take care of my daughter okay

Darren: I will...

Hiccup: *nods* *leaves*

Autumn: *still on the phone* Yeah okay see ya kuya *hangs up* *turns to Darren* *notices he's in shock* You okay Ren?

Darren: *still in shock* Huh what? Oh um yeah...

Autumn: *raised eyebrow* You sure?

Darren: Y-Yeah, come on let's go *grabs Autumn's hand* *goes to Starbucks*

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