Haddock Siblings reacting at PewDiePie videos

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Jamesy: *using Autumn's laptop* *goes to her YouTube account* *goes to PewDiePie's account*

Autumn: *looks at her* Why are you always using my laptop?

Jamesy: *shrug shoulders* I don't know I just want to

Autumn: -_- I need a valid reason

Jamesy: Well I don't care *clicked on of PewdiePie's Videos* *watching*

Autumn: *watching*

After a while

Autumn and Jamesy: *laughing hysterically*

Autumn: Oh *laughs* My *laughs* Gods *laughs* I *laughs* Can't *laugh* take *laughs* it *laughs* anymore! *laughs*

Jamesy: *laughing*

Winter and Victor: *confused*

Winter: Are you guys okay?

Victor: Yeah you guys looked drunk

Autumn: *throw's Astrid's Axe at Victor* No we're not drunk!

Victor: *dodges it* Woah chill!

Jamesy: We were just watching PewDiePie

Winter: Who's that?

Autumn: He's a YouTuber and a Gamer and we were watching his vidoes they were hilarious!! *laughs*

Jamesy: *laughs along* I know right!

Autumn and Jamesy: *laughing*

Winter and Victor: .....

Victor: Let's try to watch one of them *gets Autumn's laptop*

Winter: Okay

Victor: *clicks a PewDiePie video* *watching*

Winter: *watching*

After a while

Winter and Victor: *laughing* SO AHAHAHAHAHAHA

Autumn and Jamesy: *laughing along*

Hiccup and Astrid: *listening through the door*

Hiccup: I sometimes think that our children can be weird in most things

Astrid: I know but that's how they are

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