01; School Daze

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Sheriff Stilinski stepped into his daughter's room and let out a long, disappointed sigh before shaking his head and setting down his coffee on the teen's cluttered desk.

"Alright, Ryan." He raised his voice a little, the lump underneath the comforter not moving. "First day of school."

When all he got was silence, Noah walked over and yanked the comforter off of her, chuckling at the sight of his daughter, limbs spread out in all directions. Ryan twitched, her fingers patting the bed in search for her blanket before giving up and curling into a ball to preserve warmth.

"God, dammit." He muttered, dropping the bedding on the ground and grasping her ankles. He slowly started to pull, the brunette's eyes popping open.

"Nope." Ryan yelped, leaping forward and grabbing her bed post. "Not today, satan."

"Ryan, how many time do I have to tell you, stop calling people that." Stilinksi groaned, tugging once more.

"I only call those who deserve it." She countered, letting out a noise that resembled a squeal and cat in heat. "Like fathers who don't respect the term five more minutes!"

"That was twenty minutes ago." He argued, pulling on her again. "You have to be at school in fourty-five."

"Then why are you getting me up now?" She whined, eyes widening in fear as her fingers began to slip. "Please, for the love of-"

Her attempt of a prayer was cut short by a shriek and a thump, the sixteen year-old lying on the ground with defeated expression.

"Morning." Stilinski greeted, picking up his coffee and walking out into the hallway. "Round two."

Ryan let out a long moan and flung her arms and legs out, prepared to go back to sleep on the ground. A chime came from her computer and she practically jumped up, knowing there was only one person who would video chat her this early.

"Scotty!" She greeted, her retainer creating a slight lisp. "Did you die in the woods last night?"

"Nah," Scott shrugged, spooning cereal into his mouth. "Still kickin."

"Disappointed af, dude." Ryan rolled her eyes and grabbed the brush next to her computer, dragging it through her hair. "So, ow, what's up-ow?"

"Well, I called Stiles originally, but I guess I can tell you instead since he didn't pick up." He teased, his best friend rolling her eyes.

"Whatever. Stiles is still-" They both paused at the sound of water splashing and a strangled cry, signaling the awakening of the beast.  "Waking up. So, what's so important that I get to know?"

"Well, uh," He trailed off when she got up, slightly distracted by the fact that she was only wearing a long t-shirt. He quickly shook it off, there is no way he should see his best friend like that. "I got bit by a wolf last night."

"Bull-shit." She scoffed, drawing out the two syllables as she picked up a pair of pants and slid her legs into them.

"I'm serious!" He argued, standing up and pulling up his top to the show her the bandage. "See?"

"Okay one, that's disgusting and put your nips away." Ryan grimaced as she hopped around the room in attempt to pull up her skinny jeans all the way. "And two, wolves haven't been in California for sixty years."

"A wolf howled, I swear." Scott defended himself as he fixed his t-shirt.

"Mmhmm. Right." She nodded slowly, eyebrows raised. "Listen, I'm hanging up because I need to finish getting ready."

Weightless ☾Teen Wolf [DISC.]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang