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Maka and Tsubaki had decided to hang out for a while at Soul and Maka's apartment while Soul and BlackStar hung out at the park.

"Soul is not mine so I have no idea why I'm acting like this." Maka confessed to Tsubaki.

"Well he may not be yours officially...." Tsubaki began shyly "w-what I mean is that you and Soul have been getting closer as of late. I know that you say that you're nothing more than friends with him, but that doesn't change the fact that you act like you're dating. I mean last week Haruhi, you know the girl weapon that transforms to a sword, came up to Soul and started asking him about resonating with a partner. He literally wouldn't stop talking about you and how 'amazing'you are in combat" Tsubaki raised her hand and made air quotes as she said that.

Maka just sat there and blushed at the thought of Soul complimenting her abilities to another girl.
"I mean come on we all knew that Haruhi was interested in Soul, but he just talked about you the whole time. He likes you" Tsubaki concluded.

Maka began contemplating Soul's actions to try and see if maybe there was even a slight possibility for a romance between herself and Soul.

"Let's not forget the fangirl incident." Tubaki nudged.

Maka immediately became flustered at the thought.

It had been a while back and Soul was being persiued by his usual mob of fangirls. He wanted to get away and used the first person he saw....his miester. Long story short Soul tricked (if it could really be called that) Maka into saying that Soul was hers and that (in simple terms) no other girl could touch him.

Maka thought back to the times she had been there for Soul when he had bad dreams, when he had an accident on his motorcycle, when they graduated and Soul's family wanted him to move back, when the only way to prove that he was okay living on him own was to pretend to marry Maka (that's a story for another time) she had been with him through a lot of stuff. Then, she thought of all the times Soul was there for her. The time her mom reappeared out of no where, the time he saved her life during battle and ended up with his scar, and through all the smaller things like her birthday. She knew that she would be willing to trust Soul completely with her life. She trusted him with all her heart. She trusted him, although she would never admit it out loud, to not let her down.

Later that evening Maka and Soul sat on their couch enjoying a movie when suddenly Maka spoke up and asked "Soul can you be mine for real?" Both Soul and Maka were caught completely off gaurd and neither really knew what to say.

"W-What are you talking about Maka?" Soul managed to studder out.

"Can you be mine, Soul? You have always been there for me and I know you will continue to be there. I never have and will never let you face any dilemma by yourself for the rest of your life. So with that said, I wanted to know if you would officially want to be mine?" Soul sat there speechless....he never wanted to leave Maka but he never assumed that she would ever return his feelings, let alone be so straight foward about them.

Discouraged by the silence that followed Maka turned back to the TV and simply said "I'm sorry that was sudden. Please forget I ever said anything...it was stupid of me to think th-" but her statement was cut of by Soul saying
"To think what? That I could fall for someone as amazingly beautiful and strong as you? How is that stupid?"
Soul gently place his hand on Maka's chin and raised her face to meet his as he waited for her to respond.

"...I never assumed you'd see me as more than a kid you have to protect..." she said after a moment of silence.

"A kid I have to protect?!?! What are you talking about? Maka, you are the strongest person I know! So of course!"

"Of course what?"

"Haha...of course I'll be all yours, but only if you can be all mine."

"That was sort of already part of the deal, babe."

Soul leaned down and laid a soft kiss on his new lovers lips. As he pulled away Maka missed the feeling of warmed his lips brought. Feeling bold she pulled him down for another kiss...then another...then another.

Now we should leave the two lovebirds alone and hope they know how to be safe ;)

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