Canada x Vamp! Reader

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                      Its so c-cold

    Canada's POV

She's  so beautiful. I had known _____ for three years now, and over time we had become the best of friends. She shared my love for pancakes and hockey with me, she would care for me, she was my everything and I loved her.
Today will be the day I finally tell her.
So I invited her over to my house. She usually declines any invitation from me but today she said yes without hesitation.
That's quite weird......

Your POV

I need to tell him and it needs to be today, I can't lie to him anymore.
He gets so worried and I just can't go on with the secret on my chest.
Yes I, ______ (l/n), will tell my best friend, Matthew Williams, that I am indeed not human.
I'm a blood sucking freak. A vampire.

~~~~~time skip to his house~~~~~~~

Some vampires can't take the cold for we are in fact cold blooded animals. That's why I tried my best to avoid going over to Matts house. It's so cold where he lives and I'm not sure I can take it. But I couldn't disappoint him again. That would've been the sixth time this week I turned him down, so I said yes.
But I'm not sure I should have.
I stood in front of his house, snow surrounding his house and the yard itself, in my heaviest clothes but I could feel my instincts starting to kick in, telling me to leave or at least get somewhere warm, a place where I could feel my feet.
I knocked and he opened the door with his usually smiley face, serious and stern. Did he find out? What's going on?
(If only you knew)
"_______ come in, make yourself comfortable and take off your coat. You'll get sick if you were it inside." He said in his usual whisper.
I walked inside Matts house, where it wasn't much better that the outside. Still cold as ever but somewhat better.
"I'll keep it on and risk getting sick, trust me." You whispered the last part to him, and he clearly didn't hear. But shrugged it off instead.
"Matt, I need to tell.... You...... So........." The cold was unbearable, and starting to get to you.
"What? Oh I need tell you something. This is the most important thing I could ever tell you and I need you to be calm and not freak out ok?"
"Yea,____ you know you can tell me anything!"
Matt would be ok with this right? He wouldn't mind......
"Matt. I.. I'm a v.. V-v-v-v-vampire. Don't freak out ok!? But I can fe... Feel..... Im-"
"_____ you don't look so good are you ok? _____!?"
"Matt........ I'm so c-cold...I don't think I can ...... Stay... A..awake.."
"____!?! It's ok come on let's get you to your own house, you'll be fine right?"
"I need my medicine. It helps but...." It enhances your thirst for blood. You might bite him.
No I can't I'll be fine.. Yea I got this.
"What pills? You mean that pouch?"
You had showed Matt the bag of pills to him once, and told him if anything ever happened to you to slip him one of them. You even gave him a mini one to carry around, just for good measure.
"Yea but..... I don..don't want...them"
"______, I know just as well as you do that if they'll help you should take them."
No I can't
But before you could protest he slipped a pill in your mouth and made you swallow by plugging your nose.
You sat back down on the couch, trying to process what just happened when you started to warm up. You could fell your feet and where able to keep your eyes open to a worried Matthew.
But the pill, like you said has some side affects and now you couldn't stop staring at Matt. At his neck.
Damm he's hot. Damm I'm hungry. Just.......
"______ are you feeling ok? You are a little pale."
You started to lean in, getting closer to him, pushing him down on the couch, holding his wrists in place and not letting go.
"__-______?! Your really close..."
"I know. That's the point, how am I supposed to bite you without getting close?" You said.
"What are you tal- what are you doing!?!"
We were so close and you could hear his breath. You started kissing and licking his neck, kinda trying to tell him what was coming next. You stopped and let your fangs grow. Your beautiful (e/c) becoming a vibrant red as you slowly applied pressure to his neck with your sharpened fangs, drawing out his blood.
"_____, j-just- ahh!"
You cut him off, sinking your fangs deeper into his skin causing pain to the poor Canadian. You couldn't stop and you were starting to hurt him.
"_____ I was g-going t-to tell you th-that I love you. I d-don't m-m-mind you biting me but warn m-me next t-time. "
You stopped everything and just sat there, on top of your Canadian friend trying to think over what just happened.
And you started to cry. You didn't want to hurt him, or make him feel any less of himself it just kinda happened.
"Matthew I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry you shouldn't have given me the pill are you ok did it hurt are you mad at me I'm sorry I didn't even tell you and you just were ok with it and I'm sorry!" You try to say through tears, hugging your Canadian friend and just keep saying sorry. Over and over just sorry.
"_______ I'm fine. Are you ok?"
"No! I just hurt the only person I care about why would I be ok! And your so calm about it why? I just hurt you. I said I wouldn't and I did!" You manage to get out the words before breaking down into another fit of tears.
"I might be calm about it because I don't mind when it's you. I love you."
"I love you too!"
You look down from your lovers beautiful eyes to the fresh wound on his neck.
"At least let me heal you, I feel bad enough as it is without you having to feel pain from me afterwards."
"Oh uhh, o-ok"
You lick the bite mark clean of blood and healed it up as well, leaving a bit of a pink scar to be faded over time.
And as soon as you announce you done, Matt embraces you in a bear hug a bit to tight for your liking but you never push him away.
"_____, does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?" He states it so simply but starts blushing, his cheeks still red from all the blood sucking.
You reply with a simple yes and a kiss.
"If this happens whenever you come over, you should come over much more often."
"It's to cold for a vampire, that's why I needed the pill, it's supposed to heat up my over all body temperature and help with healing."
"I know but I kinda liked it."
"I hope you know what your getting yourself into Matt."
"I don't mind as long as I'm with you."

Word count:1218 

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