In the Beginning

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This is my second flash fanfic, I dont expect it to do well... At all. My other one has gotten to such a bad point I wanted to create a new one and put much more effort into it. So here I am.

I did not create the flash, all rights of content go to DC Comics and the CW, unless they are fiction characters that have been created by me.

Amber was late to the train, digging in her bag through her copious amount of paperwork. She dialed a number, "detective- I um Lance, I'm afraid I'm going to be a bit late getting over to-" she moved the phone a small distance away from her ear to keep the mans screaming at a minimum.

"I am completely aware of that sir." Amber was having trouble getting her bag to stay on her shoulder, grunting as it fell to the floor. "Yes, I'll make sure to let them know why I'm late, goodbye sir." She bent down to pick up her things, the doors opening to the cart. She managed to get to Central City in one piece.

"I'm sorry I'm late but I missed my train and then all of my paperwork went flying everywhere and there were so many people on the train I couldn't-oh why am I still talking?" Various eyes were on the brunette. She fumbled through her bag grabbing her badge, "I work in Forensics at Star City. I'm here about Rag Doll case..." The crime scene tape was lifted as a dark skinned man came up to her side.

"Our own forensic scientist is running a bit late." Amber laughed under her breath at least I'm not the only one late. She began to put on her gloves when she heard the sound of running feet hitting the ground behind her.

"Barry you're late, again. Ever think about getting a car?" A random officer said the boy.

"I like running what can I say." Amber spun around to see the tall brown eyed man, a coat covering a plaid shirt, forensic tools in hand.

"Barry this is Amber. She's here from Star City about the Rag Doll case." Barry nodded and went under the tape.

"What do we have?" The dark skinned man asked once again.

"Well it seams there are various left over fibers from the mans clothing but... There seams to be no further evidence other than these footprints and their trading card. Were the doors busted?" The man shook his head,

"I'll leave you and Bare to get to work." Amber nodded and went back to what she was doing.

"I'm Amber Collins."

"Barry Allen," he said putting on his gloves.

"I know." Amber was in a state of aw. "I'm huge fan of your forensic reports. You've solved some amazing cases." 

Amber hoped she'd being seeing more of him. Not literally of course.

Barry chuckled, "I mean I just solve meta human cases while you deal with vigilantes." Amber laughed at the boys remark.

"Yet somehow everytime the vigilante always seams to get away. I have about five people in mind on who it could be. Which was narrowed down to two a couple weeks ago. Thing is I've never seen the vigilante in person but I'd assume he was the same build and everything. "

Amber pulled out a retractable magnifying glass and walked over ,following footprints, to a crate.

"Wait isn't this the Rag Dolls second robbery this week? And when did this one occur? If my calculations are right then this would've given him enough time to get from Star city to Central. I think he snuck in on one of these boxes." Barry gave the girl a curious look. "In this case that means that he could've confined  themselves into the small box some how. Maybe that's always breaking in all of these places." Barry pushed at the lid of the box, it slid off with almost too much ease.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2016 ⏰

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