12:Ivo's departure

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                                                                              -Superboy's point of view-

"Ivo where are you going"? "I brought you here so you can stay with Kara I have some unfinished business I'm needing to deal with","will I see you again brother","I hope to meet you again but maybe it will be later not sooner". "Alright till then" and he just walks off. "Why didn't he want us to tell Clark that you and him showed up here"," Ivo and I got turned into Cadmus by Clark". "Clark would never do that" she retorts,"well we met with him and a minute later they were on us I'm sure it was not a coincidence".

                                                                          -Deadshot's point of view-

"Waller he just steped out of the site should we detain him","no just tag him" I shot a tracer at his  kneck I see him rub it looking for a wound then he walks away. "Fall back to base suicide squad's work is done,for now" *45 minutes later*

"Did you find the subject","no we didn't check the building it's a known site for Superman's alone time when he is not saving the planet". "And how do you know Superman was on site","we don't know for sure if he was there but we scanned the building and there was a kryptonian we would have used the scanner to find the boy but or tech is not tuned for half breeds". "Well then I will attempt at extraction another way". Motioning at a tall figure he stops forward and asks "what do you need Miss Waller","Dubbilex I need you to contact subject prime".

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