9:the meet

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"Hello" I hear from the other side of the phone. "Hi Dad" I hear him sigh. "Son would...would  you like to come over","sure as long as Ivo can come","Ivo? I mean sure come on over I live on Barkland and fith metropolis","alright be there in twenty minutes".

                                                                                        "Superman's point of view"

I hang up *sigh* "Waller be here thirty minutes","I will" I hear back. I crush the phone and drop *I'm sorry* I whisper solemnly.

                                                                                       "Superboy's point of view"

"I don't trust him to much Connor","why he's my father". "The genetic material we pulled off of him he didn't know about it till three months ago","how did he find out","a vigilante named Question a good friend of your fathers,Superman  promised he will never work with Waller again". "We'll ok...what are you working on". He slips a sheet off the..robot? and it rises to its feet. "Connor met AMAZO","hello master Connor" Amazo announces in reply. "He will protect us just in case Waller decides to show her pretty little face".

                                                                                       "Ivo's point of view"

"Hello again Superman","hello Ivo Waller hasn't skinned you yet","no Luthor decided I look better with my skin on". "If you ever speak of him again","what","I'll have to ask you to leave".  "Whatever floats your boat cape". Wallers men drop in "Amazo" I call through my ear piece. He comes barreling in like a  hog smashing Wallers men throwing them around. "Ivo duck" I move just in time flipping a man over me. "Thanks Connor". As the fighting dies down I notice superman made an escape. "I vow never to trust a darn cape again","what was that","nothing Connor,come on Amazo".

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