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     I walked into the office with my best friend, Anthony. Well, he's not only my best friend, he's also my brother's best friend. We also have three other best friends Charles, Steven, and Stanley, we're all just one big group of crazy people. My brother and our friends are famous, yet I still stay as an exterminator with my adoptive father's business. He's not been feeling well lately, and we're thinking he's not going to make it much longer. All I want is for him to be healthy and happy, and well able to meet his grand baby. Did I mention that? Well, yeah, I am pregnant. I only have a few more days until I'm due, so I have to be fairly careful now.

"Dad! Anthony and I are here. Where are ya?" I yelled.

     He did not answer so I guessed that he was working. Anthony and I walked to his office, and he was not there. We decided to go to his house, so Anthony helped me inside of his truck, and we got to Dad's house, and got out. We knocked and there was no answer, so I used my spare key and went inside.

"Dad?!" I yelled.

    Still no answer so we walked around the house. We walked into his room, and what we saw was awful. He was in his bed, but he was blue.

"Dad!" I yelled.

    We ran over to him, and Anthony checked for a pulse. There wasn't one, so he called an ambulance. He then tried to do CPR, and it wasn't working. The medics arrived and tried to revive him while they brought him out, but it was no use. We went to the hospital, and waited in the waiting room for information on how he was. A doc walked out and over towards us.

"I'm sorry Ms. McCane, but we did everything we could, your father, he's dead." The doc said.

"No, no, no, this can't happen." I cried.

"Is there anyone we can call for you?" She asked.

"Yeah, her brotha Bryon." Anthony answered.

"Will do." She answered, as she ran off.

    Ten minutes later Bryon showed up, and ran right over to Anthony and I. He engulfed me in a huge hug, and held me close as I cried. We were both just barely at the age of thirty and he always is there for me. I let go of him, and looked at him.

"What am I going to do? I can't run his business by myself, especially with how far in debt he is." I said.

"Well, you can always find another job, or I can pay the debt and we can find you some workers, if ya like." He said.

"I'm going to find a new job, after I have the baby." I said.

"Alright, as you wish. When is your due date again?" He asked.

      Right then my water broke, how convenient. -note the sarcasm.

"Now." I stated.

     They rushed to get nurses, as I stood there not believing what was going on. Charles, Steven, and Stanley all ran in and walked over towards me, as did a few nurses. They all helped me to a room, and I was told to lay down. The nurse checked and said that I was ready to have the baby.

"Who would you like with you?" The nurse asked.

"Bryon and Anthony." I answered.

    They nodded and I was taken to a room to have my baby.

*2 hours later*

    I was handed my beautiful baby boy, and Anthony walked out to get the others. They walked in and smiled when they saw my baby. The nurse walked in and had a set of papers in her hand.

"What are you going to name him?" The nurse asked.

"I'm going to name him Matthew Anthony McCane." I answered.

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