She saw him spring to life. She looked up at him, he stared at her with a knowing smile.

She wanted him. He put her back on him. Slipping his fingers in first.

"You're always ready for me." He said nibbling on her chin. He moved his fingers magically. She wanted to moan. She bit his shoulder instead.

He hissed, removing his fingers and entered her. He kissed her moan.

His fingers, mouth and the rhythm he used was working like an incendiary device.

She felt herself burning from with in.

"Shhh." He whispered in her ear.

"You like this." His mouth moved to one of her breast. He had somehow removed her shirt. His thumb rubbing her tattoos one at a time.

"Nice. Sexy." He lowered his head to kiss it.

She arched her body, matching his slow agonizing thrusts. He was taking his sweet time.

"Do you like this." He licked her ear to her shoulders and then nibbled his way back.

"Yes-" he covered his mouth on hers again.

He breathed in. "Do you know what I'm going to do to you tonight?"

She wanted to explode. He worked his magical hands and talented mouth in a slow burning pattern.

The words he uttered only heightened her senses.

"Come Zayra." He kissed her hard, his tongue searching hers. She felt the explosion. His kiss deepened, suppressing her screams. She was panting, shaking trying to hold down the guttural sound that threatened to escape, feeling her body implode.

He smiled triumphantly at her.

He grabbed her face with both his hands. Moved her so that she laid on her back.

"My turn." He winked, wrapped her legs around him.

He thrust in deep.


He moved faster, urgently. He pulled her to him half of her body up. He continued his pace. Grabbing her ass and molding it to his body. She felt another organs coming.


"Roman." She said huskily. She felt the explosions come quick. Her body convulsing.

He groaned saying her name on her neck as a prayer. He was panting on her hair. "You got me like a dope fiend trying to get its next hit Zayra." He kissed her hair . "I just came and I want you again." He murmured on her neck after a while.

"Fucking condoms." He hadn't bothered bringing some because he hadn't expected any action. He removed his shirt and cleaned himself and Zayra.

Zayra was still panting. He leaned in to kiss her again. "You know Roman, I'm on the pill."

"Are you?"

"Yes, I thought it would be a bit easier for the both of us."

"I'm going to have to remember that."

She smiled and started putting her clothes back on. He put her back on his lap,

"Thank you. I needed that."

He hugged her tight, feeling her heartbeat slow down and her breathing return to normal. He saw her eyelashes fanning her cheek. She had fell asleep.

He grinned.

He moved her so that her head rested on his shoulder. He tucked his chin on her head, feeling her soft frame nestled on him.

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