Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

This was not happening to her. The man that once stood before her changed into a Lycan. His body had turned instantly animalistic; his size was enormous compared to his human form. This was not good. The Lycan could kill her easily with its sharp claws and she wouldn't have time to defend herself against this monster. She was afraid. Terrified. He was a monstrous animal.

"No," she said straightening her spine and staring at the Lycan that came at her in loud menacing steps. She looked around trying to find a way to get away from him. But it was of no use, he was getting closer to her. Kassandra felt her claws emerging largely as she stared at the beast.

She was determined to fight him. She was not going to run away. Not now. Kassandra moved her wounded leg trying to face the animal in front of her, but it was futile. The pain from her leg prevented her from moving forward.

She heard his loud step as he stood in front of her. His tongue darted touching his sharp teeth slowly. He was savoring the moment. He was going to kill her slowly and painfully. That she knew. This one was nothing like the others.

"If you want me then you will have to fight me. I won't let you kill me," she said trembling in fear. He moved his lupine features close to her face. She could feel his breath against her face. She couldn't believe she said those words. Kassandra was taunting him. That was not good for her. He would be angered.

"Mate...miiiiiine," he said growling to the sky hitting his chest hard. When he turned to face her his blue eyes stared at her savagely seeming to brand her.

Kassandra trembled uncontrollably as his face came closer to her. His mouth came closer to her neck. She felt his breath closer to her neck. His growl was heard making her shiver.

"I'm not yours," she said striking the beast with her claws. She wounded his left eyes making the animal move to his side. He roared in anger as she continued to strike at his chest and neck. Blood splattered on the ground. The coldness of the night was making her shiver. She was fighting the beast with all her strength. He would rise soon and kill her, but she didn't care. She was going to gain her freedom.

He seized her left arm. Kassandra screamed loudly, but it was a shriek noise that made the animal release her. That was her opportunity to leave. Kassandra ran as fast as she could, away from the beast. He would find her soon, but she had wounded him enough to prevent him to see.

The light of the moon was her only light that cleared her path just a bit. But still she was lost. It would be better than being near the animal.


Kassandra felt as something grabbed her, knocking her against the ground. It was him. She tried to scream, but the creature covered her mouth with its enormous hand. Kassandra tried to move away, but it was futile.

Suddenly the ground began to break underneath her. She closed her eyes to afraid to see what awaited her. She heard the beast roared grabbing her tight around his solid body. She felt the impact as they fell hard. She couldn't move, but held tightly at the creature. She was trembling. "It's safe," she heard the beast say. Kassandra didn't move, but felt the soft current of water touching her claws.

His fur was replaced with a smooth solid skin and a dusted golden hair. She lifted her head and was met with the stare of Ramsy's blue eyes. It was not the creature, but the human self of him. Kassandra moved away from him quickly. Her leg hurt real badly as she moved away from him. But she noticed that she wasn't hurt at all. She looked at her surrounding searching, but everything was dark. The only light emerged from that cave was the moon. It cleared a bit there surrounding, but it wasn't enough.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Nov 22, 2015 ⏰

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