Chapter three (Blame it on my Brothers!)

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  • Dedicated to Eric, the wonderful love in my life

As I drove away from my house I could see Lucas peering out the window with his evil eyes, almost as if he knew something I didn’t. Shaking away the thought, I turned on the radio to “100 Years” by Five for Fighting and sang along. Wow, I haven’t heard this song in a long time!

"Fifteen there’s still time for you,

Time to buy and time to lose,


There’s never a wish better than this.

When you only got a hundred years to live..."

Suddenly, Eric came back into my mind and how he had played this song at a public restaurant. That day was certainly a day to remember, especially since he had tried to teach Serena’s little sister to play it on the piano. Just picturing that scene in action touched me a bit. Eric was my best friend before he moved away last year. I miss him so much.

Bright headlights struck my eyes, blinding me for a minute before fading into the darkness of the night. Then Serena's street sign popped up welcoming me to Jordell Street, the land where the drama queen lives. A bright idea lit up in my mind as I pulled up into her driveway. I put in the Hot Chelle Rae CD, turned the volume all the way up, climbed out of the sun roof, onto the top of my car, and started dancing to Tonight Tonight

"What the...?" Serena came out of her house disillusioned, but as soon as she saw me she started to laugh. "Hello to you too Leslie!"

Giggling, I dropped back inside of my car and opened the passenger door before motioning my hand to the seat next to me, "Hop in girl! I want to go to that concert!"

"Hmm I wonder what happened to that innocent Leslie everybody once knew?" Serena smirked as her curly brown hair shone in the little light from the dashboard and her eyes twinkled with a reflection of the moon in the sky.

"I wonder," I smirked back and posed as if I were pondering why I turned out so rebellious. 

"Hey!" she lightly smacked me on my back before turning to face her house. "It's not my fault you enjoy sneaking out so much! I blame it on your brothers!"

"Ha, it is Lucas' fault I sneak out so much! If he weren't so protective and more supportive, I would actually have him along, but seing that he isn't, disapoints me." I scoffed at my own brother and how much of a priss he was. 

"Haha, your brothers will always be protective of you," Serena tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear nervously, knowing that my hate for the annoying trait my brother posessed and for what she would say next. "You're lucky to have family that actually cares about you Lez."

"Aww girl, you know I'm your sister from another mister," I reached over to my friend and hugged her close to me before cracking another joke. "Plus you can always hang out with my brothers for lost time."

"Haha, no. I think I'll just stay with my family that semi loves me." Serena smiled as she pushed me back to the wheel. "Now let's get on the road already!"

"Okay, okay. But on the way we have to stop for some ice cream! I'm getting hungry," I rubbed my belly for effect before starting the engine and pulling out of her driveway. Tonight's concert is going to be awesome!

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