“So…what’s up with the fancy underwear thing?” asked Jessica.

“I’m guessing it has to do with the hazing process. Don’t worry,” she said quickly, after noticing the color drain from her face, “It’s only one thing and usually it’s to boost our self-image.”

“Okay I guess. What’s so special about this sorority?” asked Jessica, trying to regain her composure.

“It’s the only all-girl shifter one on campus. We don’t have anything against humans but it really gives us a chance to feel like a pack since a lot of these girls are far away from home.”

“I guess that makes sense,” said Jessica shrugging.

She was starting to miss the comfort of her pack and even though these girls were strangers, it might be better than nothing. The lingerie thing still had her second guessing her decision but it was worth a shot. Plus, how bad could it be?


Jessica regretted those last words she spoke as all of them stood in a line. The only thing they were wearing was a pair of sexy bra and panties with tight laced army boots. Nicole had called this ‘The March of Tits.’

It was a bit vulgar but that’s how the college party life was. Even the classrooms had the usual pranksters in them. They would turn everything the professor said into something sexual. The only difference between high school and college was that the only person’s time you were wasting was yours. You or your family paid for school so if you messed up it was on you.

She glanced down at her black, lacy lingerie that seemed to match perfectly with her faded black army boots. Everything she owned was a brand name item since her parents wanted her to have the best.

Natalie was beaming and looked like a basket of Easter candy. She had on a bright yellow bra with blue underwear. The edges of her underwear were laced with pink that, in the dark, closely resembled her hair.

Jessica gave her a weak smile before turning back to the rest of the girls. It was easy to tell who was new and who wasn’t. The beginners were tugging on what little clothing they had on and glanced at the other girls with envy.

A shifter was almost always thin but it took work to actually have some muscle and tone. Jessica was tall for a girl but basketball wasn’t her thing. Instead, she played soccer all four years of high school. It gave her nice toned legs and abs that were visible enough to look good.

She squealed as something dug into the center of her stomach. Natalie had jabbed her finger there and was admiring the muscles.

“Look at you Ms.Olympia, who knew you had such a killer body.”

“That’s what work, dedication, and playing four years of soccer gets you,” she teased, yanking her friends hand away.

“Oh nice! I did track but we could only compete with other shifters. I’ll have you know that I helped our team come in first place all four years,” said Natalie, puffing out her chest.

Jessica let out playful, annoyed sigh before facing forward again. Nicole stepped to the front of the females and was wearing army lingerie. She held up a hand to silence all the nervous chatter.

“Those of you brave enough to come have only suffered through half of the embarrassment that you’ll face tonight.”

She began to pace down the rows, successfully looking like a general in the army. It was the smile tugging at the corner of her lips that told everyone else otherwise.

“We’re going to march up through sorority row and down to Fraternity circle. They’re having the welcoming parties today so all the boys will be able to see us. If you’re too chicken you can turn around now and none of us will say a word.”

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