Chapter Fourteen

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My morning was going great. Great coffee. Great tv. Great mood. Everything was great until I saw Jennifer.

Jennifer was my older sister. She was 29 and was a high school Biology teacher. She'd recently had a child, and gotten married to Mark. Mark was the same age and he was a construction worker. Her son was probably 1 now. Now your probably wondering why I hate her so much. Well after she graduated high school she moved as far away as possible. She moved to Texas to go to college. But after she met Mark she stopped talking to the family period. We didn't find out she was pregnant until the baby was already born and she didn't invite any of us to her wedding.

Mark is controlling and he beats her. She can't even make her own decisions because of him. I hate how he controls her. But she can't see it. She thinks what he does is ok. I hate him. And I hate her for being so stupid and staying with him.

"What are you doing here?" I said.
"Jess" she said pulling me in for a hug. I pushed her away. "Don't hug me like we're the best of friends" I said.

I could see a fresh bruise on the side of her chin.

"Um Mark is in New York for a few days on business and I decided to come so I can see you" she said. She looked tired.

"You wasted your time. I don't want to see you" I said. "Jess I'm sorry I didn't come to see you when you first came to college. I mean your so big now. Its been so long" she said. I rolled my eyes.

"You think I'm mad at you because you missed me moving into the college" I said. "Try that plus a hundred more things" I said.
"Jess" she said. "Do not call me that" I said. "you don't get to call me that"

"I'm so sorry" she said starting to cry. I couldn't deal with this. "Jess I wish I was with you guys more but its complicated" she said wiping her face.

"Its not complicated at all" I said. "After high school you just disappeared. And then Mark came along and you just vanished completely. No calls. No visits. Nothing. Then we had to find out you were pregnant from someone else. You got married and didn't invite Dad or me. What is wrong with you. Does that asshole Mark have that much control on you." I said.

"Don't bring Mark into this" she said through gritted teeth. "No I have to. Look at that" i said pointing to her chin. "He punched you or slapped you didn't he? He hits you all the time yet you choose him over us. Why ?" I screamed.

"I love him" she said tears falling down her cheek. "Lets see how far your love can go because he'll kill you soon" I said. "Jess don't say that about him. He loves me. He does. He gets angry sometimes but its not a big deal. I didn't chose anyone over my family. I just felt it was best to go away and start fresh. Mark and I are fine" she said.

"Jenn your a sad woman" I said. The tears became heavier. "Don't come visit me anymore. I don't want to see you. Get out" I said.

She left. I sat on the couch and covered my face. My sister needed serious help. I just wished she would let us help her.

I spent the rest of the day not doing anything. I didn't shower or eat. I just laid on the couch. Around 8 when someone knocked my door. I didn't want to see anyone but I felt like it was Jay and I didn't want to ignore him so I opened it.

"Hey" he said kissing me on the cheek.
"Hi" i said giving him a weak smile.
"Whats wrong?" He asked. "Nothing I'm just not in the mood"

"Anything I can do?" He asked. "Can you lay with me?" i asked as tears formed in my eyes. We went to my room and he laid with me as I fell asleep.

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