Chapter Thirteen

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Family weekend was finally here. I was excited a little. Any normal college  girl with a boyfriend would be excited for family weekend because then their boyfriend could meet their parents right ? Well not me. I didn't have a normal college relationship so sadly Jay wouldn't get to meet them. But it was ok. I was still going to introduce them to Chris.

I was straightening my hair before they came. It started at 11 and it was currently ten-fifty five. Tracy texted me and told me they were on their way. I was wearing a white blouse, black jeans, and some simple black heels. I left my apartment and headed over to campus where all the families were going to be when I spotted Chris and Chanel. "Hello love birds" I said walking over to them.

"Hey" they both said back. "You look great" said Chanel. "Thanks, so do you guys" I said.
"So who's coming for you guys?" I asked.

"My Dad is coming" said Chanel. "Mom's nursing in South Africa right now" she said. "Thats cool" i said intrigued. "What about you Chris?" I asked. "Just my Mom. My Dad is still a little pissed about the nurse thing. He still wants me to do something else" he said.
"Thats terrible" I said. I was lucky to have supportive parents. "I think thats her" he said pointing to across the street. "I'll catch up with you later" he said and left with Chanel.

I was just about to text Tracy when I saw Jay coming towards me. "Morning beautiful" he said. "Shh" i said "Are you crazy". "For you" he answered. "I should walk away because that was so corny" i said laughing. "Your parents coming?" He asked.
"Yea they should be here any second" i said.
We stood there talking for a while when I got a text from Tracy.

We're here where are you ?

"Their here so I'll see you later?" I said. "Yea" he said. I eventually found them wondering around.
"Dad, Tracy" i said hugging them both. "You look great Jess" said Tracy.
"Thanks" i smiled.
"So show us around" said my Dad.

I took them around most of the campus. The library, the café and the classes. I was showing them the dorms when I ran into Chanel and Chris with their parents. "Hey guys" i said to them.

"Hey Jess, these are my parents" he said. "Nice to meet you" I said to them. "Yea Dad this is Jess. We have Anatomy together" she said. "Nice to meet you Jess" he said shaking my hand. "Dad, Tracy, this is Chris and Chanel, and their parents" I said. They all shook hands.

We all went to Chris & I's favorite restaurant to eat. The parents sat together and we sat at a table nearby. "Chris your Dad came, thats good right" I said. "Yea but they keep arguing for every little thing, its annoying" he said. Chanel held his hand as I got an incoming text.

Jay💏: Hey babe
Me: Hey
Jay💏: I'm lonely 😕
Me: Wish I was there to occupy you 😉
Jay💏: Me too 😘

"Is that your guy?" said Chris snatching my phone. Chanel took it from his hand. "Ooo she has a guy." She said. "And his name is Jay" she said.

"You guys are so nosey" i said snatching it back.

Later that day I took my parents to my apartment. "I like these colors" said Tracy taking a seat on the couch. "Where's the bathroom?" asked my Dad. "Down there" I pointed. As he left Tracy moved closer to me. "So who's Jay?" She asked. She caught me by surprise.

"Nobody" i said quickly. "Im not your dad" she said. "My boyfriend" I said not making eye contact. "Is he cute?" She asked. "Very" I said getting excited.

"How did you meet?" she asked. "In class" I said laughing to myself. "We went out a few times and then he recently asked me to he his girlfriend" I said smiling.
"You have a big grin on your face" she said "you must really like him"

"I do" she said. "Do we get to meet him" she asked. "No its too soon" I said.

"Meet who?" Asked my father coming out of the bathroom. "No one" I said quickly. "Tracy we have to get going if we wanna make it back" he said. "Ok" she said. "It was great seeing you honey" he said kissing my forehead. "You too dad" he said opening the door. "Text me about your boyfriend" Tracy said whispering in my ear and hugging me.

After my parents left, I changed into a large t-shirt and put on my robe. I texted Jay but he didn't answer so I texted Chris instead.

Me: How was your day ?
Chris: Terrible. My parents kept arguing. It was embarrassing. How was yours ?
Me: A little boring
Chris: did you miss your guy ?
Me: stop talking about my guy 😠
Chris: who is he anyway? Does he go here ?
Me: it doesn't matter who is his. How are you and Chanel ?
Chris: great, the fact that she stuck around my annoying parents. She could be the one 😌
Me: thats sweet 🤗
Chris: gotta go, date night
Me: later

I was bored now. I was thinking about what Chris said. 'Date night' . Maybe Jay and I should do that. Where was Jay ? I decided to go knock on his door. He answered only wearing a towel around his waist. The things that were going through my mind were so unholy. "Where have you been? I've been texting you" I said.
"My phone broke" he said picking it up and showing me from a nearby table.

He wasn't lying. His phone was cracked so bad.

"What happened?" I asked. "I forgot family weekend meant little kids and this was a result of that". He said

"So what are you doing tonight" I asked. "Well nothing but since your here now, what do you wanna do" he said pulling on boxers. As he pulled them on I kept starring at his member. He caught me starring and smirked.

"Maybe we could watch a movie" I suggested. "Yea sure" he said pulling on a t-shirt. We stayed up late watching Twilight series. We were currently on Breaking Dawn part 2. We laid together on his bed.

"I can't believe your forced me to watch this" he said. "And its means so much to me that you did" I said kissing him. "Anything for you" he said kissing back. Our kissed got heated. I got on top of him and then he flipped us over until I saw what part we were up to. "Wait the fight started" I said getting off of him. He groaned and rolled his eyes. I kissed him on his forehead. "Sorry twilight is more important right now".

When the movie was over I felt a little tired but I had to get something off my chest. "So Jay I was thinking" i began "yea"
"Maybe we should do date nights sometimes. I know we cant be seen and its risky but I just think the idea of date night is cute" I said. He looked at me confused. "Wouldn't you consider this a date night?" He asked. "I mean I know we didn't go anywhere fancy but we spent the night together alone. We had fun. I would call that a date night" he said.

"Yea but you know what I mean" I said. He kissed me on the cheek. "Don't worry I'll make it up to you". "Thank you" I said.
I went to his little mini bar and sat on one of the stools. "Can I have a shot vodka please" I asked. "Can I see some I.D" he joked.

"I'm sorry I don't have any, so no drink for you" he said laughing at me. I smirked and walked behind the counted. I grabbed the member in his pants and looked him in the eye. "Is there anyway I can change your mind?" I said in my sexiest voice. "n-n-no" he stuttered.

I pulled it out of his pants and moved my hand up and down. He moaned and I started going faster. I read his facial expressions and knew he was going to climax soon and I stopped. He groaned. "Jess you can't leave me hanging" he said breathing heavily. I smirked at him, poured myself some vodka and went back home.

It was Sunday morning. 11:45 to be exact. It was still family weekend so parents were still coming. I made myself a cup of coffee and turned on the news. Yes CNN was my favorite thing to watch when I woke up. I was heading to the kitchen to make another cup when I heard a knock at my door. It was probably Jay. He's probably still upset about last night I thought laughing in my head. But when I opened the door it was not Jay.

It was my sister Jennifer. Wtf was she doing here ?

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