Chapter One- Courtney Diamond

Start from the beginning

She was also right about being beautiful. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Her gorgeous blond curls cascading down her face, to just below her shoulder. She was a natural blonde, unlike me, mine was out of a bottle. She also has the most wonderful green eyes, that occasionally changed to a more blueish colour, but no matter what colour they were, they were still gorgeous. She was gorgeous. The way she flicked her hair when she was flirting, or the way her eyes lit up when she got her own way...

"Mickie. Mickie." Courtney said snapping her fingers a little distance from my face. Snapping me out of my daydream.

"Sorry. I zoned out. Did you say something?" I felt colour rise to my cheeks, knowing that she had caught me staring at her, thankfully she couldn't read my thoughts.

"No I didn't say anything, but you were staring at me." She said, smiling, the smile reached her eyes and made them look like they were twinkling. I could so easily get lost in her eyes. They were so green today, almost like two emeralds. "Just like that." She laughed, it was so pure, so light, so addicting.

Many admired Courtney and look up to her, as if she was a role model for all of them to follow. Though they had all heard the rumours that she was fake, wicked and heartless, most had only seen her act like the perfect angel, so kind and sweet, in order to get what she wanted. She was a charmer, a good one at that, and that's how come she never failed to get what it was she wanted.

Though many had in fact seen the cold-hearted Courtney who was more than willing to break someone's heart, or ruin someone's reputation in order to get a laugh out of it.

But none of them got to see what I see. The sweet, kind, real Courtney. The girl who cried at Bambi. The girl who was too afraid to let anyone in. The girl who was afraid to have her heartbroken. Who wore a mask and acted as if she were someone else. If only she would let me in I could help her, I know I could.

"Mickie. You're doing it again." She rolled her eyes, but not in a hurtful way. "C'mon lets go." She said bouncing up from the sofa, taking my hand, practically dragging me out of the room.

"Go? Go where?" I didn't mind where, as long as I was with her, I was happy.

"To meet Danny." I felt my heart sink at the mention of his name.

Danny Blaze. He used to be the schools most popular boy. The schools hot 'bad-boy' with he's jet black hair gelled back, and his leather jacket he always wore. That was before he got kicked out, though is legacy lives on in the school. He, just like Courtney, has everything he wants, that's what made them such a perfect couple.

I had hoped that moving to a new school for sixth-form would have split up the most popular couple. But it hadn't. If anything their relationship had become stronger, Courtney was always willing to bunk lessons to meet with him, and often he would arrive to pick her up after school or at lunch. I hated the amount of attention she gave him, he wasn't worth it. She needed someone who was going to treat her right, who would worship the ground she walked on...

We walked out of the main building, making our way to the student car park, and there he was. Leaning against the hood of his silver BMW. He's hair gelled back, in his usual attire, faded blue jeans, simple black tee and his black leather jacket. His smile had the ability to stop you in your tracks, it was inviting yet smug, as if to say I'm better than you and you know it but you still want me.

"Hey baby." Courtney said walking into his open arms. He gave her a quick hug, smugly smiling at me over her head, before leaning down to kiss her. The sight made my stomach turn, I hated when he or anyone else ever touched her.

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