08: Unexpectedly

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We'd love to announce that Team A and Team B have qualified to the final battle which is in the details below:

Date: 15th July 2015 (tonight)
Place: Seoul Private High School's Underground Stage
Time: 9PM - 12AM

Team A and Team B need to battle in these categories:
a) Self-choreographed Dance Battle
b) Vocal Battle
c) Rap Battle***

*** Only one of the members from Team A and Team B should participate.

Both of the team need to be at the underground stage one hour before the final battle starts. Good luck!

"For the Vocal Battle, I think we should choose Eyes, Nose, Lips sang by Taeyang sunbaenim. What do you guys think?" I suggested.

They all nodded their heads in agreement. At least Taeyang sunbaenim's song that we sang as a cover song a few months ago will help us. We just need to practice and memorize the lyrics after this. We discussed for another couple of hours then we went to the dance studio to practice with the principal's permission.


《Jinhwan's POV》

"Yah Jinhwan hyung! What are you doing? Follow the beat!" Hanbin yelled at me for the nth time.

We all stopped and stand like a statue before Hanbin stood up and replay the song. I sighed. I can't focus on dancing because something is disturbing my mind. Duh.

"Mianhae, let's start it again," I said, letting out a deep breath.

We practice for another two hours before we stopped. Everyone has landed on the dance floor, breathlessly.

"Guys, come here," Hanbin gestured at us to come to him who standing in front of the computer.

We all stand up altogether and went to him. He opens his arm to make a group hug as we starts to give him a bro hug.

"I'm sorry if I'm rude just now," he confessed as we broke the hug.

Yunhyeong: It's okay, hyung! We know you are stressed.

The rest of the boys nod their head meanwhile I remains silent. I heard Hanbin sighed.

Hanbin: I just want the best for tonight's battle. We just practice for 8 hours. To be honest, it's not enough for me.

Junhoe: I know right?

Hanbin looked at me with a sad expression. "Hyung, are you mad at me?"

I shook my head in answer. "Ani, you have done your best as a leader for us. It's okay to feel that way. I'm stressed too."

Donghyuk clapped his hands to attract our attention. "Why don't us go for dinner before we go to school?"

I smiled, "Such a good idea! Let's go, it will be on my treat~"

Bobby: I want kimbap!

I chuckles, "Everything you wanna eat, kimbap. I will treat you guys."

All: Yeay! Let's go otherwise we will be late~

-Seoul Private High School's Underground Stage-

We are currently at the backstage, waiting for the MC to call us to be up on stage. I don't even know that all students in our school will be here to be as our audience tonight. The crowds keep chanting for us and also for the hyungs; Team A. It's really overwhelming!

Jinhwan's Scandal | kjh Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon