Chapter 33 | Inlove

Start from the beginning

The city's most fucked up mind and somehow a person that can actually predict what's the future. He's some kind of god- no matter how complicated or big the problem is, he knows the answer instantly.

A super computer is nothing compare to him. It's like his eyes could see your deepest-darkest secrets, as if he knows everything.

And to be honest, I didn't understand how frightening Izaya's ability was.

Maybe all his reading made him to this. It's like he doesn't care yet he says that he loves humans. It confuses me to bits. Nevertheless, no matter how much I say I hate him and he annoys me, I end up thinking of him, it's like I'm wrapped around his finger.

Ding. Ding.

You have mail.

Lifting my head up from the bed, I looked at my laptop's screen lazily. My body has completely given up and the only thing that's functioning at the moment is my mind. Groaning out in boredom, I clicked on the mail nonchalantly and it buffered before it open. I pressed my cheek on my hand and let out a sigh.

'Dana: I'm sorry for my actions, Hika-chan. Let's eat dinner together and this time, I will not decline.' Was what the email said, I can't believe that he would still use this site, I'm trying my best not to remember these bad memories. I mentally hit myself for remembering the stupid things that I've done with Izaya and it makes me feel so weird.

I don't think I can stand staying another day here with Izaya, it is just so wrong in so many levels but . . .

No, I won't forgive him that easily, it's my time to play 'hard-to-get'.

Shutting my laptop, I rubbed my temple; all of these emotions getting into me is giving me a headache.

Looking at my bracelet, I smiled not too big- rather a smile that only lasted for a minute. In times like these, whenever I feel troubled or heavy-chested, I try to look at the bright memories that highlights my mind. Despite of me being a stubborn head right now, I still have some good memories left inside me.

My ears rang when I heard shuffling coming from the hallway, I glanced quickly to the door and saw an ugly raven haired man peeking like a pervert.

"Ew, what an ugly sight. Go away." I shooed him away with my hand.

"Hika-chan is so meeean to me." He whined, entering the room but before he could walk towards me even more, I stopped him.

"Oi! Oi! Don't move! You can't come any closer." I shoot him a deadly glare and took out my slipper.

He held out both of his hands in front of him and smirked. "Deadly weapon you have there."

"Careful," I grinned almost madly and chuckled darkly, "this can fly."

He breathes out through his nose and rolled his shoulders out again. "Put your weapon down."

"I will if you get the hell out of here." I growled.

"This is my house, you have no right to say that."

"Then I'll leave."

"Where do you think you'll go?"

"Far away from you."

"Are you strong enough to take care of yourself?"

. . . Silence.

I stared up at the informant, speechless and dumbfounded, I felt my throat out of words- dry like sand. It's true, I have no place to go to that I can gurantee that I am safe in, but why do I keep avoiding that fact.

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