Chapter Eighteen

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Ty drove us back to my place, while settling me down. He told me to smarten up, how to do it, and how to act once he's gone.

I will admit; I do like being handled, but he can cool it a little bit. I plan on going on about life the same way once he moves, just missing him.

"Tyrone, do you really think I'm that out of control?" I smirk. He laughed, watching the road "I can be serious with you, or we can joke. Pick one".

"Damn Ty, I haven't been that bad".

I waited for a reaction, but he stayed silent. I slapped his arm for a response.

"What Jo? We can't keep making up, to fallout again... Yes; in less than a week, it's been hard to read or even please you. And not to be a dick, but I've noticed it even before I broke the news to you. It's like you already knew and was waiting for me to bring it up".

I'm not going to get pissy with him. We just made up, that rock on my chest has been lifted; knowing I wasn't his favourite person, and I have my bestie back; there's no need to get into it.

I shrug, pulling my phone out to distract me. Ty rolled his eyes, sighing loudly "see look, now you're mad".

"I'm not mad".

"Then look me in my eyes, and tell me we're still good, and you understand where I'm coming from".

He pulls over for me to look him in the eyes. I can honestly tell him what he wants to hear, it's no problem.

I grin, batting my lashes "I didn't illegally drive 15 minutes out of the neighbourhood to see you, for nothing. And I know the driving is one of my issues. I'll stop until I'm legal, or if it's an emergency. Better?".

The car went back into motion. Ty said nothing, so I guess I'm in the clear... Again.


Finally back home, we sat in the dark garage for a few minutes. I had to warn Ty of the chaos for this meal.

He laid the seat back, taking in my words. "I swear daddy almost hit me. I've never seen him or uncle Shay so intense, or mom so terrified".

"Come here" Ty pulls me into his chest, "I told you that man was bad news".

Really? I just told him daddy and uncle Shay we're on a power pill, and he's talking bout Cordell being bad news.

Not making a pattern, I don't say anything about that. "I guess I just want him to heal. There's no me, without my father". How does daddy feel?

"I think you should maybe stop visiting him. Think how Mr. Shay will feel, if he were to find out".

Siding with him, I made the decision to also neglect my grandfather, as my father did. "Can I at least tell him why. He deserves that much" I pout , getting Ty to sympathize for him.

He took a deep breath, "fine, but I'm coming with you".

"Do you think that be right? I mean, he saw you once; the other times it was just me, now when I come to end it, you're back".

"I'll wait outside, but I'm coming with you".


We cuddled in the car until Uncle Ethan found us, looking for the big pots. He knocked on the window for us to get out.

"Dark garage, alone in the car, where no one would check" uncle Ethan says, listing reasons he's kicking us out.

Tyrone and I both say hi, Ethan standing around. "Why you two out here anyway?"

"We were just talking" I shrug exciting the car, heading back inside.

We found mom back in the kitchen, and ant Felicity already here. "Hi Mrs. Shay, Mrs. Black" Ty speaks to them. "Hi honey. I'm surprised you came back for another family dinner after last time" and Felicity jokes. Ty simply smiled, saying he loved me, so he loves my family. Uncle Ethan smacked him in the back of the head "don't say that corny shit in front of the women, now she's going to expect that favouritism all the time".

We all roll or eyes "whatever".

I turn to Ty, giving him a sweet kiss "is it okay if I help out in the kitchen?".

"Sure. I know my way around" he kisses back.

Mom and Felicity watch me closley, as I watch the only person to make me feel completely loved the way a partner should.

"Soo" Felicity clears her throat, "did ya talk to Aj again?".

I give her the eye to shut up. She wants to know if nanny thinks I'm pregnant. We already went through this topic; I'm done with it.

"She said I could stay, but if daddy just says the word; I'm out. Can I make the cheese sauce?" I ask, trying not to hint to mom that Felicity is hinting at something else.

They stare at me, Boo city more so than mom. Mom sighs getting back to cooking, asking if I'm positive I want to move. I explain that I wanted my own space for a little bit. The pressure went down here for a minute, but with Cordell actually being a somewhat free man, it's back.

I grabbed everything I need to make the cheese sauce for the Mac, changing the topic "did ant Molly find a place yet? I showed her a few on the tablet, that were nice".

Staring past me, mom points "why don't you ask her yourself".

When I turn to face my only and favourite aunt, her cheeks stained with tears, as more fall. She wipes them, Calming herself "Shay's leaving... for good".










Multimedia Ethan (K Camp)


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