"You want to know something?" She asks, resting her head back on my shoulder.

"Anything baby" 

"You're my world, and I couldn't nor do I want to live in a world without you" She whispers into my neck, a sniffle following. 

"Baby, what's going on?"

"Nothing" She shakes her head. 

"Brogan, don't lie to me" I sigh, pulling away to cup her face in my hands, her cheeks are covered in her tears and I wipe them away with my thumbs "Baby girl, please tell me why you're upset. I don't like seeing you cry" 

"It's nothing I promise, I'm fine"

"Brogan, I don't believe you. Why can't you just tell me?" I huff, my anger rising.

"Because nothings wrong" She grits.

"Then why the hell are you crying?"

"I don't know! Like honestly I have no idea! I just feel like I'm going to lose you someday and I don't want to because I love you so much it physically hurts me and I don't want to feel that way but I do!" She yells and I sigh as she breaks out into a sigh. I wrap my arms around her, letting her cry into my shoulder.

"Baby, you won't lose me. I love you so fucking much it's crazy and I want nothing more than to be with you forever do you understand that?" I whisper, feeling her nod into my shoulder "I'm yours, forever okay?"

"Okay" She shakily responds, and I pick her up, her legs wrapped around my waist. I carry her downstairs to my room, sitting her down on my bed. I walk between her legs, and kiss her forehead, lacing my fingers through hers, she traces the tattoos on my chest, close to the waistband of my boxers and back up, a small sigh leaving her mouth.

"I want one" She whispers.


"I don't know" She shrugs.

"If you want to do it to piss your mom off absolutely not" I say sternly and she huffs.

"But Austin" She whines.

"I'm not trying to get your mom to hate me" 

"But I actually want one, not to piss my mom off, like I really want one" She pouts, I kiss her bottom lip gently, and fights a smile making me grin wide.

"I'll think about taking you to get one, what would you want?"

"I want like an anchor, that's also a music note, and I want it to say 'I'd be an anchor, but I'm scared you'd drown' its from a The 1975 song" She explains "I want it either, here" She pats her thigh "Or on the top of my back"

"Okay but what happens when you end up hating The 1975?" I ask, and she gasps dramatically.

"How could anyone hate The 1975?" 

"Shut up" I chuckle, pushing her back "Go to bed" I throw the blanket over her and she giggles pushing it off.

"Maybe I don't wanna" She laughs, pulling me down next to her.

"But you have to" I whisper, kissing her lips, then nose, then cheeks.

"But I don't wanna"

"But if you do, we can cuddle all night" I bite her neck, and she squeals pushing my head away from her.

"You just bit me!" She says with wide eyes.

"Yeah and I'll do it again too" I tease, winking at her.

"No, please don't" She fakes fear.

"Too late" I gently bite her shoulder and she laughs, pushing my head away again. Our laughter dies down, and she curls her body into mine, the two of us seeming to fit together perfectly. I wrap my arm around her and kiss her forehead, and she sighs in content.

"I like being around you" She admits "You make me happy"

"You make me really happy too" I kiss her lips slowly, savoring every moment "Goodnight Baby girl" 

"Goodnight" She whispers back, and in what seems like seconds, she's fallen asleep with her head on my chest and her arms around me. 

The only place she should ever be, is in my arms.



I started writing this at like 6 and I got distracted a lot by looking for gifs and shit

Love, Bad_Boy_Hemmo

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