"I heard your feelings about us and that you don't want to leave and that it was the right thing to do." Edward said.

"Well Amelia it is not the right thing to do if you want to stay with us you can you are more than welcome to our family." Esme said. Please don't make this harder than it should be. I will leave. If I come back well...

"Listen I am going to leave. I will leave I will go now. The longer I stay here the longer it will take me to leave. So whenever my promise is fulfilled. I'm gone. If I come back well... I'll give you a deal when I go give me a week. If I come back I come back. If i don't it probably means I'm not coming back or I'm dead. Most likely dead. You can do a search party after a week. If I am within 100 miles of this place I'm coming back or dead." I said. They looked at me like are you serious? I mean what good have I done to deserve a life I've always wanted to live. I don't deserve it. I prefer suffering. Something I do deserve. I wonder what they say about my deal. I'm curious now. It was silent everyone kept to themselves. At least I think they are I could never be sure. You do deserve a better life I heard in my head. It sounded like Edward again. That's reason number two why I am going I'll go mad. "so what do you think of the deal?" I asked. That took everyone off guard. Why are they acting like it's the decision of their existence. Even Jacob I haven't even talked to him!

"I think we'll like to take your deal. It's the only way you get a say in this and I think we might do a search party." Carlisle said. Cool. I do get a say.

" I'll do that then. By the way I most likely have one condition and one alternate condition. I haven't made up my mind up on those yet. Sorry. So do we have a deal?" I said. Please deal please, please, please! The Cullen family were giving anxious glances at each other then finally everyone nodded. I offered my right hand and Carlisle gave his and we shook. They're probably wondering what my conditions will be. I don't blame then I'm curious too. They were just about to leave the room but I needed to ask them something.

" I've got a question to ask you lot." I said.

" Shoot." Emmett said. That seems to be his line.

" What makes you lot want me in your family? I don't want 'because you have been alone your whole life' I want the truth." I said. That threw them. Reneesme opened her mouth first.

" I want you in my family because you feel like the little sister I never got. I never really wanted a sister before I met you. Plus you really make me feel grateful for having my real parents." she said. I feel like a sister to her? Really? Well she is the older sister I would like to have. I waited for the next person to speak. It was Jasper.

" I would like you in this family because well you are a very peaceful person. You feel sometimes the opposite of what you are supposed to be feeling. You are nice and funny when you want to." he said. Cool he thinks I could be funny. I wonder who will be next. It was Emmett. I wonder what'll say.

" I would like you in this family because well you are a nice person and you are funny I could picture you doing pranks. And I still need you to pay for ruining my streak." he said. He really cares about his streak doesn't he? And what does he mean he could picture me pulling pranks? Jacob was next.

" I know I haven't talked to you yet so from what see I would like you to be in this family because well you are a nice genuine person. You say what you think. Well at least I think you do. Edward would be the judge of that. I think you'll make this family really interesting." he said. Wow did he really think of that of me? Bella was next.

" Amelia I kind of already think if you as family. If you are like a sister to reneesme then you'll be like a daughter to me. You are nice. You are mostly sad well you look sad. You have a beautiful smile and I love to see that on your face." she said. What she said shocked me. Me as a daughter to her? Did Edward tell her I picture her as my mother? I hope he didn't it's something I'll like to tell her in my own time. Well if I do stay here. It was Edward's turn now this will be interesting.

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