amusement park with magcon

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Your pov.
I can't wait. Me and my friends are going to the amusement park. I heard the magcon boys are going to be there. I got dressed in my cameron dallas is my boyfriend shirt and a pair of denim shorts. I put on my teal tydye vans and I left my hair wavy and put on my make up. When I was done I texted my friends. They told me they were on their way over so I got my keys and money and phone and put then in my pocket. There was a knock on the door and the girls piled in.
"Let's go!" Courtney said.
"Okay. I'm driving." I said. They all nodded. We piled into my car and I drove to the amusement park. When we got there I parked the car and we all got out. We ran in and got our handstamps and wristbands. We ran to the new rollarcoaster. The impulse. I was nervous. There was five of us and four sears in the front and back. We got in line and we went on. I was separated from my friends. Go figure. I sat on the end and held my eyes shut tight. The only way this would be good was if cameron was next to me. I opened my eyes when I heard someone sit next to me. I nearly had a heart attack. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I wasn't. He was next to me. I started freaking out. I reached up and tapped Courtney on the shoulder. She turned around and her eyes grew wide. She turned back around.
"Hi." He said.
"Hey." I said. He smiled at me. The cameron dallas was smiling at me.
"I'm sorry if this seems weird but can I hold your hand. I'm scared of rollarcoaster coaster and my friend dragged me on here." He said pointing to Nash.
"You can I don't mind. I'm actually scared too my friends dragged me on here too." I said pointing to the whole front row. He laughed.
"I'm Cameron. But I guess you knew that because of your shirt." He said. I blushed.
"I'm y/n. I'm sorry if my shirt just made things awkward." I said. He shook his head no.
"I don't mind. I was actually hoping that I could live up to your shirt. Would you like that?" I gave him a confused look. "What I mean is I would love to be your boyfriend because there's just something about you that is different." He said. I nodded.
"I would like that." I said. He nodded.
"So does this mean I can kiss you?" He asked. I nodded. He leaned in and so did I. Our lips touched and I felt sparks. After a few seconds he pulled away. I heard a few wolf whistles and I blushed. I looked and saw all my friends looking at me and Cam. I blushed harder and they laughed. The ride started and we took off. After the ride cameron got off with me.
"So can I have your number?" He asked. I nodded and he handed me his phone. I put my name and number in and texted myself. I handed it back to Cam and he smiled. He kissed me and we said our goodbyes and I hung out with the girls. I saw Cameron and the guys around the park and we went on a couple of the same rides. Over all it was a pretty amazing day.

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