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We have much to be thankful for,
But look!
A woman in rags,
Shivering with cold,
Let's give her something to be thankful for.
We give her a bag of groceries,
She says God bless you,
And hugs us.
We turn to go home,
Lo, a little girl sitting in an alley.
We go and take her home.
She has no parents,
No one to love her.
We care for her,
Giving her a family
To be thankful for.
Giving is a huge part during the holiday season. We think that everything should be taken for granted, and we forget the true meanings behind things. So, it feels good to be the give-e, but not the giver, until you try it. I wrote this poem to remember people who have never had a home, are probably sitting on the side of the road starving, but I also wrote it to help encourage people to help some homeless people, or just simply pray for them. God plays a big part, well, the whole part of our lives. Let's give, and be thankful for what we have!

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