After Love (The Vamps Fan Fiction)

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I held the soft grey jumper close to my face as my tears drenched the fabric. The familiar scent immediately wafted through my nostrils, pulling at my heart. A lump in my throat threatened to choke me. Except from the faint voices coming from the tv and the occasional car driving past the apartment. I was alone.

Tristan was gone and he was never coming back. I would never get to run my fingers through his soft hair, never cry to him when my day had been terrible, never share a private joke wtih him and keep it from the world, never would I be able to wrap my arms around his waist just because I could, never would I be able to share a bed with him again, never be woken up by his creepy sleep talk, never laugh with him so hard I thought my stomach would burst. All of those are now memories fading by the day.


Our life together was supposed to be so simple. As soon as he got home from tour we would start planning our wedding and I honestly couldnt wait for him to be involved. It was hardly a home without Tristan and while he was gone I would count down the days for him to be back. Yeah we called and skyped but due to timezones and his busy schedule it was hard to have a proper conversation, and when we did he sounded so distant. I brushed it off most of the time and figured it was just due to lack of sleep and a tough yet rewarding job. But he was doing the thing he loved and thats what was most important to me.

The final show of tour was over and the day had come, Tris was due home around 7pm. I decided to make his favourite dinner, in a hope of him being less distant with me. Once the dinner was made I slumped onto the sofa. I was used to Tris being away, but not for this long without one single day together, stupid management didnt want him to get distracted, but this tour had really drained me and I was in desperate need of a hug from my Tris. It was already half six so I thought I would make myself go and look presentable as I was just dressed in sweats and one of Tristans tops, a regular appearence in my wardrobe over the last 3 months, seeing as he only wears three of his own. I was ready in record time for once so I went and sat on the sofa again and waited and waited and waited. It was already half seven and I was starting to panic I called Tris and no answer, shit, I rang all the boys including Joe and Dean and not a reply from any. My heart started racing as I knew deep down something wasn't right. Unsure of what to do, I picked up the landline and dialled Tristans sisters number, we'd become pretty close in the 4 years Tris and I had been together and I was hopeful she would know what was going on.

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