september 29th

1.4K 72 18

calpal: hey good looking ;)

mikey : who the fuck are you?

calpal: who the fuck are you?

mikey: i asked you first

calpal: i asked you second

mikey: um...

calpal: i'm your daddy, cutie!

mikey: wtf?

mikey: you're a fucking pedophile, you dick! i'm leaving

calpal: noooo don't leave!

mikey: how did you get my kik anyway? who told you?

calpal: no one told me anything. i just... found you

mikey: well, i don't like talking to strangers especially on the internet. you could be a stalker for all i know.

calpal: i can tell you right now that i am not a stalker. i mean no harm towards you whatsoever. can we just talk?

mikey: no.

mikey: i'm leaving now. for real. bye.

calpal: okay then. i'll just spam you.

calpal: a

calpal: b

calpal: c

calpal: d

calpal: e

calpal: f

mikey: fuck off!

calpal: nice timing

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