Rose's sewing was mediocre, and neither occupation would earn her more than a pittance. "Forgive me," she told Anne. "I need to make more than that, if I am to give Sarah a chance at a better life than mine..." She could not meet Lady Chirbury's eyes, fearing the scorn and rejection. But the countess surprised her. "I understand better than you might think, Mrs Darling. Make sure he gives you a favourable contract, then. My husband will read it for you, if you wish."

In the library, several closely-written pages were lying on a table under the window. "You suggested a contract, Mrs Darling," he said. "Here is a start. Everything is negotiable. I want you to be happy." He looked nervous. Did he really think she had a choice?

She took the chair in front of the table and began reading.

Two years? He wanted two years? An upfront payment, hers to keep plus an allowance. Was two hundred and fifty guineas a quarter low? But wait; he would pay all her costs: the wages for servants, unlimited accounts at the grocer, the butcher, and the candlemaker, as well as her choice of milliner, modiste, bootmaker, and any other makers of clothing and adornments.

Dear Heavens. Her eyes must be out on stalks!

He would pay for, and keep, a carriage and horses for her use, including grooms and stabling. He would pay for a nurse for Sarah, and teachers for Rose in dance and pianoforte.

She read on. She couldn't help the grin, though she managed not to dance in her seat.

Aldridge would purchase and staff a town-house within easy distance of Haverford House. At the end of two years, the house would be hers, free and clear.

Two years. She could do anything for two years.

Surely between the value of the town-house and what she could save, she would be able to start again in the country? Be free? Give Sarah a decent life?

He wanted a key to the house. He wanted her to be available whenever he wished, and travel if he wanted her company. He wanted the right of renewal after two years, should he wish to continue to keep her.

He would expect her to host and accompany him to entertainments and activities. She frowned a little.

He was watching closely. "Something wrong?" he asked.

"Would you... would you expect me to 'entertain' other men?" She hated that. Her third protector had used a night with her to reward his friends or bribe his allies.

"I'm not good at sharing what is mine," Aldridge said. "Mrs Darling, I won't insist on you doing anything that makes you feel diminished. Though I hope you'll try new things, even if they seem a bit odd or uncomfortable at first."

She considered him carefully. Even in Bristol, even in her circles, Aldridge's parties were discussed in scandalised whispers. But rumours were seldom accurate.

His usual twinkle deserted him, and his eyes were level and serious as he said, "Mrs Darling, I ask one thing of my lovers, and I ask it of you. Tell me what pleases you. Tell what does not please you. Never pretend pleasure you do not feel."

"My lord," she protested, "this arrangement is about your pleasure, not mine."

He rejected that with a swift shake of the head. "My pleasure is enhanced by your pleasure. Women know this; that is why they pretend. But I will know if you pretend, Mrs Darling, and that will destroy my pleasure. If you wish to please me in intimate matters, then you must first allow me to please you."

Rose's mouth was hanging open. She closed it, gathering her scattered thoughts.

"I want Sarah to have her own apartments, and not to..." she blushed again, not sure quite how to say she was ashamed to let her daughter to see her being the harlot she was. And afraid those attending Aldridge's entertainments might be a danger to Sarah.

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