"Hey Libby." Connor said as she approached the car.

"Hey." We stopped just before the car. "So how are we doing this?"

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"How are we all fitting into this car?" Hunter got out of the drivers seat and opened the boot. He pulled on a tab in the boot floor and the back of the seats pulled up revealing two spots in the back of the car. "I wanna sit there." Libby said pointing to the back seats. She was really not a shy person. Connor got out of the car and slid his seat forward so that Libby could step into the back of the car. He followed her into the back and I sighed in relief. That means I won't be stuck in the middle of the two boys again. Ryder pushed the middle seat back into its positions and sat down in it. I sat down in the other window seat of the middle row and the two in the front sat where they were before. Once we were all in the car, Hunter started the car and drove away.

"So, I heard you invited yourselves today." Libby said to the boys in the car.

"Yeah it was a slow day." Hunter replied from the drivers seat and Ryder choked back a laugh. I looked over at him and he looked back at me before I quickly turned away.

"Please, you guys practically begged to come." I added.

"That was all Leo." Ryder said in response to my statement and Leo turned around in his seat to face me.

"Maybe I like your company." He said with a smirk.

"Or maybe you have a tendency to invite yourself to things." I said with a fake smile and he laughed before turning back around.

"Maybe." He agreed and we all laughed lightly. The music slowly increased in volume as we drove. I could hear Libby and Connor talking behind me but I couldn't be bothered to listen to their conversation. Leo and Hunter were also mid conversation with what I think was the song we were listening to. Ryder was sitting quietly staring out the window. I looked over at him and noticed that he looked really good. Maybe it was the lighting, or the way he had his hair today, but he was looking extra fine today and I sure am not complaining.

I know nothing will ever happen between us, even though Libby so desperately wants it to, but I can still check him out because I am a teenage girl and I am allowed to. His head turned and his eyes locked with mine.

"Enjoying the view?" He asked with a smirk, so quietly that only I heard it.

"No, there's an asshole blocking it." I replied instantly, I had a habit of calling him an asshole, even though he had proved today that he did in fact have feelings when he apologised for his friend's behaviour.

"Ha, ha." He said rolling his eyes. That was probably the last time he would ever apologise to me, whoops. "Is this your first time ice skating?" He asked me out of nowhere after a few minutes of being quiet.

"No. I actually used to compete when I was younger but then it got way to expensive so I had to quit."

"Really?" I nodded. "So you're a figure skater."

"Not anymore. What about you, is this your first time?"

"No. I've been once before, when I was a kid."

"So do you remember how to skate?"

"I hope so. But I'm sure it would be your pleasure to reteach me. It's the least you could do."

"The least I could do for what?"

"For me gifting you with my presence."

"I hope you slip and break your leg." He laughed and looked out the window signalling that the conversation was over. We reached the ice rink a few minutes later and we all piled out of the car. I'm not going to lie I was really excited. I haven't been here in a very long time. I used to spend a lot of time here, practising and practising for my competitions. But after I quit I gradually started coming less. So coming back here, it's a thrilling feeling for me. Libby and I practically ran inside and I heard the boys laughing at us but frankly we didn't care. This is where Libby and I met. Sure we went to school together but we really became friends on the ice because we were the youngest in our class. We used to compete as partners when we were younger, before the age where partners needed to involve both genders. We were the fiercest competitors in the competition but as the prices rose we slowly started competing less and eventually had to stop.

The Bad Boy's Got Bets (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now