Chapter 2

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"Alright, Cadets! Your second trial has begun!"

-Alright, (y/n) You can do this! This one you'll pass for sure!-

As the panels were being shot, you climbed onto one with your friends, Dri and Leonis. They followed your every move, but Del was close behind. Del was the best student ever in the whole Cadet Academy. Even better than you! Leonis came up behind you and Del was right behind you! You were pushed down and you were still on the bottom of the platform, watching Del fall all the way to the bottom. She yelled in a Haldeen language.

"Grop de Lando!"
"Nyo bi Pablo!"

You yelled back. You were being pulled up by two pairs of arms. Leonis, Dri and you were all three at the top. Del came up shortly behind you and grabbed the back of your helmet. She removed the front of her helmet and revealed her red eyes. They peered into your (e/c) orbs known as your eyes.

"I'll get you next time, (y/n) (l/n). And don't think I'll play nice."

She was shoved by Dri and Leonis pulled you aside.

"Leave her alone, Del."
"Yeah, looks like you're NOT the best Cadet Academy student."

She stormed off into her cabin quarters. Everyone laughed. Except you. You weren't the type for laughing. You were always the quiet one. Sometimes while Leonis and Dri are gone, you would quietly sing and laugh at some memories that you had but other than that, you were quiet.

"Yeah, what is it."
"Um... Callus needs you in his office."

You looked up and saw a new kid. He had red on the side of helmet. You stood and held out your hand.

"Sorry, I'm (y/n). And you are?"
"Uh- Dev! Dev Morgan."
"Well, 'Dev', what does that guy need me for?"
"I uh... I don't know."
"... Show me your face."

He slowly took off his helmet to reveal a boy with purple bluish hair, and eyes that you've never seen before.

-Woah. Hot. Wait, what did I just say?-

"Why thanks!"
"W-what? How did you-"

"Listen," Dev whispered, pulling you out of the room and into a helmet closet. "I'm here to help you escape."

"I don't need help," you scolded. He set his indigo colored orbs on you. He gave you a key card and whispered; "Use it when we get out of here."
"And why would I want to escape with YOU?"

You folded your arms across your chest while raising an eyebrow to him. He was speechless.

"I... I've been practicing being a Jedi, that's why." He blurted. He covered his mouth, muffling his voice.

"You're practicing to be a Jedi? Ha! I spit in your pathetic face! All the Jedi are dead." You blurted out too. He widened his eyes.

-oh my god, his eyes. Holy-
-sh. be quiet-

You both heard the familiar accented voice of Callus. You heard another conversation with the Inquisitor, or as you know him for now, Master, and minister Tua.

"Where is she? The Inquisitor must speak with her at the edge of his lightsaber!"
"Wait, WHA- MFF!"
"Shh! Do you wan us to get killed?!?" He whispered in your ear a little too loud. You heard Leonis and Dri outside. You wanted them to meet 'Dev'. As soon as you knew that Callus was gone, you both came out of the helmet closet and Leonis looked at you, surprised.

"Who's the new kid?" Dri questioned. Dev held out his hand.

"I'm Dev. Dev Morgan."
"Oh, I'm Dri. And that's Leonis. We're (y/n)'s bestest friends."
"Pfft! You two don't know that!"
"Um, yeah we do!"

Dri tried tackling you, but you caught him in a headlock and gave him a noogy. He smiled and remade his hair.

"Well, Dev, welcome to the Academy."
"Thanks, uh..."
"Del. Del Calrisian."

Del came out of the room with cuffs.

Cadet falls in love with a Jedi? Impossible (Ezra x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now