Standing On The Edge Of Goodbye

Start from the beginning

Nate grew more pissed off and squeezed the steering wheel harder. His lips were a thin, hard line etched across his mouth. The muscles in his face flexed and popped as his eyes began to sting then burn. He blinked quickly and forced back the unwelcome, annoying tears. Fuck it if he'd let the little prick see how much his little stunt was ripping him apart.

"I'm sorry." Kyle's sudden apology made Nate jump a little. "About last night."

Nate's tight brow hardened and furrowed. He was sorry? Was he fucking serious?

Ignoring him, refusing to acknowledge his incredulous apology, Nate stared straight ahead. He had nothing to say to the man. What was Kyle expecting him to say? Oh no big deal, it was fun while it lasted. Fuck him. Fuck Him!

"I don't know what I did." Kyle added quietly. "But as pissed as you are...I must've been a major dick. I shouldn't have started drinking. That shit fucks me up royally."

Did he really expect Nate to buy this bullshit? If the guy really hadn't remembered...he'd have been asking why he was naked when he woke up. The Kyle he knew would've ribbed him mercilessly, insinuating Nate had molested him during his drunken stupor, needled him about grabbing a piece of ass while Kyle was 'vulnerable'. But this? This wasn't the old Kyle.

"Shut up." The words ground like gravel in Nate's teeth as he spit them at Kyle.

"Look, I said I was sorry." Kyle's voice strained. "What else am I supposed to say? Just tell me and I'll say it."

The corners of Nate's jaw tightened and squeezed. His throat began to knot up and close, the burning in his eyes swelling into a sheen of tears. "You can shut up. How about that?"

"Nate, man...I fucked up. I get it. I'm sorry-"

The truck slid to a sudden stop as Nate's foot stomped down hard on the break pedal, its ass end skidding sideways on the loose gravel. Kyle jerked forward, his hand snapping out on reflex, catching the dash. His fingertips dug into the vinyl as he looked at Nate, startled.

"What the fuck-"

"I'm not an idiot, Kyle!" Nate fumed, clenching the steering wheel so hard his arms ached. "Don't play me for a fucking fool!"

"Nate, what the hell are you-"

"Save it!" Nate was nearly screaming, his chest heaving. "Shut your fucking mouth or I swear to God I'll shut it for you!"


A strangled cry burst out of Nate's throat as he lunged across the seat, grabbed the front of Kyle's jacket and slammed him against the passenger door. "I said shut the fuck up! Are you fucking deaf? Or just fucking stupid?"

His face hovered close to Kyle's, his eyes burning so hot he half expected Kyle's cheeks to blister. The guy's face swam before him as his jaw clenched and his teeth bared. Steaming breath hissed out his nostrils and between his teeth. Kyle's hazel eyes widened in shock. And in those eyes...Nate saw the truth.

Kyle remembered. He remembered everything. Every...fucking...detail.

"I want you gone." Nate whispered coldly. "When we get back, pack your shit, go to a hotel, somewhere. I don't care. " He jerked back suddenly, releasing Kyle's jacket and turning his face away. "Got to hell for all I care, just get the fuck out of my house." The knot in his throat was choking him as the tears filled up his eyes. "Get the fuck out of my life."

He shifted the truck into gear and stomped on the gas, driving faster than he should. But he couldn't be here with Kyle any longer, in such close quarters. He needed away from the man.

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