Meg skipped over to the door and slammed it shut forcefully. I reminded myself to never make that girl angry. She was a powerhouse.

"So about that effortlessly pretty look," she began, "I'll help you, since I'm such an expert."

Right. I had forgotten she could read minds. I sighed. She looked really prety, so I nodded and she clapped her hands in joy. I glanced at the clock and noticed it was 9:00 am. Brent was probably waiting for me to pick him up right then... Maybe I should have gone to pick him up. I pushed the thought away as I remembered I had a boyfriend, and going to go see a guy I was supposedly in love with wasn't exactly on his what's hot list.

Meg patted me on the shoulder. "Hai, I know you feel bad about Brent, but, you have to let him go, you know? It's what's best for you."

I looked to her and saw concern in her marbley-green eyes. I let out a breath and nodded. She was right, chasing after an empty love was just going to make what I'm going through more difficult.

She chuckled. "I know I am."

"Meg, you're really going to have to stop reading my mind. It's really annoying," I said quickly, wishing to not hurt her feelings.

"No, I like it. It's fun. You have very interesting thoughts." she answered as she quickly picked out a cute outfit from my closet. She walked over to my vanity and digged out a pair of undies and a bra for me.

She stopped suddenly. "Oh, and by the way, I didn't kick your boyfriend for what he said," she stated, "I kicked him for what he thought," she admitted reluctantly, handing me my clothes.

My eyebrows knitted together in confusion as I took the apparel. "And just what did he think?"

"Uh, of what happened last night."

I choked in surprise. "What? I didn't sleep with him!"

"I know, I know," Meg mumbled dryly. "He thought of what could've happened if you didn't have to go."

I snorted and crossed my arms. "Nothing would've happened. I stopped it."

"You won't ever get enough once you get a little touch," Meg said in a sing-song voice.

I shoved her. "Whatever." I said, but couldn't help a small blush from creeping its way onto my face.

I finally looked at what Meg had handed me, and my eyes widened in surprise. "This? It's so... Ugly. No offense. I bought it on a whim."

She rolled her eyes. "Rich kids. Just trust me, put it on."

My lips pursed in thought and I gave up and put on the items. Meg did a once-over on me and she smirked. She pranced over to me and twirled me around to face the mirror.

My mouth dropped slightly as I looked at the girl in the mirror. She was a boho goddess, with a long, flowy dress that didn't hide her body, but instead accentuated it with the help of a belt. She was wearing moss green booties that brought out the green in the dress.

Meg tip-toed and placed a wood bead headband on my head. I raised my eyebrows questioningly, and she patted herself on the shoulder.

"It's just a finishing touch. A present from me. Meg has done an excellent job again."

I rolled my eyes at her. Cocky much?

"I sure am," she said with a grin.

"Whatever. Hair and makeup?"

"Well your wavy hair goes well with the whole vibe. And some mascara and a touch of eyeliner will do you justice. No foundation or blush since your skin is already perfect."

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