Ch 10. What Have I Done?

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*Edited- February 7, 2016

He was exhausted

Emotional and physical exhausted

And why...

He said it was over

It was over between Donna and him

He closed his eyes and let his head fall back on the couch and groaned out loud in annoyances. He remembers how her face reacted to what he blurted out. She laughed. Hard. When she saw he wasn't doing anything or saying anything, she paused. Then he saw her face turned to a very ugly expression and shade of color and assaulted him. She was just shouting is anger that he was an idiot and did he know who he was messing with, and he, like an idiot went out and said, "Donna I do know who you are, and you are nothing in this world but a woman who has sex with anyone who has the most money for you to spend it." Then she slapped him on the face then she left in a huff. His face was still stinging and really red.

He, with his pants and shirt back on, walked to his bedroom and laid down on his side of the bed. He took a deep breathe, looked over to the other side of his bed. The side where Rosie slept on when they came from their honeymoon. He lifted up his upper body on his elbows and then remembered the first night of when they first slept as husband and wife.


He got out of his home office and making his way to his bedroom, tired from reading and re-reading reports from the R&D department. All he wanted to do was slip into his bed and sleep away. He entered his room and headed into the bathroom to brush his teeth, not noticing Rosie in bed waiting for him. Once out he removed his clothing and slip into his side of  bed, once settled he turned off the lamp on his side and closed his eyes. Then he felt the bed shift a bit and a body snuggle on the right side of him. He jumped and turn on the lamp to see Rosie next to him in her sexy night wear look at him surprised.

"What the f*ck do you think you are doing, Rose?" He hissed at her. She shifted closer to him and he moved back to a point where he got out of bed.


"I'm, I'm what? You sound so stupid right now Rose. I don't want you anywhere near me, you really think I want you sleeping by my side in my bed?! Get the f*ck out of my bed and out of my room!" He shouted in anger and grabbed her by her arms and dragged her out. She fought him but it was no use, he was bigger and stronger and angry to boot and threw her to the ground. Then he threw her pillow and her robe at her and shut the door and locked it. He then walked back to his bed and got in. He then heard her bang on the door.

"Please let me Evan, I'm sorry I won't do it again Evan, I swear just let me in!" He sighed in annoyances.

"No. You are to sleep out there for tonight as punishment. So sleep in the living room or on the ground for all I care, just SHUT UP!" He yelled to make her seize. Once it was all quiet and shut off the lamp and got comfortable, he heard her speak once more.

"Good night, Evan." He rolled his eyes and closed them as he slowly went to sleep.


After that night, she never did it again. Then stood up and walked out to her room that used to be the guest room. He turned the knob and open it, he took a deep breath in to take in her scent she had once left in his room, it smelt like vanilla and strawberries. He was once in here when she was asleep and now he was in here for a whole different reason. He missed her.

He missed her smell.

He sat on the bed and took hold of the the same pillow he threw at her that night. He lifted it to his face and sniff it. He closed his eyes in pleasure and warmth. He never did realize how much he got used to her scent until just now. He open his eyes at that thought.

"Come to think of it," He spoke out loud. He went out of her room and into the living room and took a look around. He saw how bare it was from the last time he saw it. His mantel was filled with pictures of her, him, her friends and their wedding, but now it was all bare. He looked at his black leather couch and saw that her throw pillows was not there anymore. The vases of flowers, some of her nic-nacks were gone too. He went into his kitchen and open his cabinets and all he saw was his dished he had way before Rosie moved here. He moved away from the cabinets and open the refrigerator and saw that all the food he eats was there and nothing else. He closed the refrigerator and went back into the living room.

His eyes burned with tears, he didn't know what to think or feel. It is as if he was never been married, like he was a bachelor again. He feels empty.

He feels...

Alone? You're alone again, aren't you?

He paused at that. Alone?

You had a very beautiful, very intelligent, independent woman at your side but you settled for a cheerleader type of girl who just wanted to be popular.

He blink at that. Back when he was in Middle school and High school, he was not the popular guy in school. He was the guy that studied alot, a nerd. He always wanted to date the cheerleader that he went to school with and when he did ask her out, she laughed at his face and told everyone at school about it. He has never been so humiliated in his life, but yet his heart wanted her by his side so once he graduated High school he vowed that once he becomes a very rich, successful and powerful man, he was going to get the popular girl as his woman to be by his side.

But Rosie was not a Cheerleader. She was the bubbly type. The one that was all sunshine and rainbows, the naive type; thinking that everyone and everything was good and loved all. He saw her as some kid that needs to grow up and see that the real world sucked. So why her?

She was pure. She was not like them. She wanted love; a family.

She wanted a man to love her for her.

That's right, she told him once that guys back in High school would say to her that they liked her, and then a few months into the relationship finding that the were using her in getting neat and expensive gifts and using her last name in helping their families company to get ahead in the business world. Then he told her that was terrible of them in doing that to her. Then she asked him.

"You would never use me like that, would you? You love me for me, don't you?"

He told her the biggest lie he had ever told her.

"Rose, I love you with every fiber of my being. I would never use you like that. I want to grown old with you, I would die if you weren't in my life." Then he took a breath to make a dramatic pause. He then hit the nail in the coffin.

"I would be empty and alone without Rosie."

He heard the door slam close, heels clicked on the hardwood floor. Rosie was back. Once she was in the living room she saw that he was standing there with bloodshot eyes and rumpled clothes. She then walked away to her room.

"Where were you, Rose?" He asked her. She paused and slowly turned to him without a hint of guilt or remorse.

She was going to lie to him.

"I was with the girls. I accidentally slept over at Melissa's. I'm going to go change and go to work." That made him pause for a second.

"Work; since when?" She laughed sarcastically at him.

"Why the hell do you f*cking care." She attempted to leave again until he asked her where and for who. She stop but didn't turn.

"Mark Grayson gave a job in his family's company. I am an associate to the board of Directors, you know since I graduated on top of classes in College for business and Management." She quickly went to her room and locked her door. He closed his eyes as he felt everything around him was falling apart. Little by little she was getting farther and farther away from him.

What have you created?

No better yet

What have I done?

"I don't know." He painfully whispers to no one.


Happy Thanksgiving day! Sorry for taking forever by life gets in the way you know. Here it is. Hopefully I don't take forever for the next chapter. Please Read, Review, and Share and I will see you all soon.

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