Ch 5. I Fell in Love again

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*Edited- February 7, 2016

Never did I thought this could happen to me again

These feelings...

I was having feelings again

For a man that was not my husband

As our hands were wrapped up in one another, the warm tingling sensation was crawling all over my arm and into my chest. For the second time in my life I was feeling alive again after all this time. Here I thought Evan had killed this feeling, but no. Mark look straight into my eyes in a intense stare, like he wanted to eat me alive. I started to slip my hand out of his but he held on tight.

"I was right, you are beautiful. The most beautiful woman I have ever seen." I blushed.

"I bet you say that to all the woman you want to bang." He shook his head.
"No, I have seen and met women that has come in and out of my life; none of them compare to you, Angel." I removed my hand and placed it in my lap and lowered my head.

"I am not beautiful. I don't turn men on." I hoarsely said. He frowned at that.

"Who told you that?" He asked. I looked at him with tears in my eyes again.

"My husband." I then looked at the pond that was right in front of us, "He told me the night we came back from our 'honeymoon', that even if I were to dress up in bra and panties, I won't turn him or other men on. That I was a little girl playing dress up." I sobbed out the last part. I placed my hand on my month to cover it and hold in my cries. I felt him shift and wrap his arms around me. I shifted so I could cry into his chest.

I felt so safe and secure in his embrace as he rub my back in a soothing manner. I pulled away in shock in what I just had said and done.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me just now." He laughed a bit before he sighed.

"Well, I think I could say this in behalf of all the males in the world beside your husband; you are not a turn off by us, in fact; you turn us on very much so." I looked at him and gasped out a breathe.

"Thanks for the words Mark. I never heard a man say that to me." He smiled gently and covered my hands with his and brought them in front of his mouth and murmurs out

"I would have never say that to a woman, not even to the person I were to be married to." And kissed both my hands. I gasped in surprised. He lowered my hands down and stared at my left hand; the hand that still had the rings on.

"Let me ask you something. Does this, whats his name, Evan wear his wedding ring?" He asked me, still staring at my hand. I shifted my eyes to my hand then back at him.

"No he doesn't. He never did, just when we have to go in public or him going over to my parents house." He nodded his head in thought and he let go and stood up.

"Then why do you wear yours?" I looked at him in surprised. Never did that thought had crossed my mind. Why do I still wear mine when he clearly doesn't? He got his cell phone out of his pocket and handed it to me. I grab it and looked at him confusingly. He laughed at my expenses.

"Put your phone number in. I want to be in contact with you." I smiled at him and inputed in my number in his phone. I gave it back to him and he placed it back in his pocket as I stood up. He grabbed my hand and placed a kiss on it, he looked at me and smiled genuinely.

"We'll talk soon beautiful." With that, he walked away in the opposite direction from which I came in from. I couldn't help but smiled like a lunatic. I placed the hand that he kissed on my chest and breathe in deeply. I didn't know what to do now or better yet; how am I supposed to feel for him? I shook my head to remove the thoughts that started to multiply. I saw that the sun was coming up, I had to go home now. I speed walked as quickly as I could in the heels I was wearing but then I stopped and looked back at the bench Mark and I sat at, remembering what he said to me.

"Then why do you wear yours?" I looked at my left hand, then back at the pond. I pulled off the rings and looked at it in my palm.

"Then why do you wear yours?"

"Then why do I still wear mine?" I asked myself. Then I did something I really thought I could never do without any motivation.

I threw it

I threw my engagement and wedding ring into the pond with a small 'clunk'. I looked on in shock at my actions but got over it and  walked out of the park. I was in no hurry: no rush. I knew damn well that once I got to the apartment he was not going to be there: he never is. I was going to be alone like always and who knows, he might not come back until tomorrow.

It isn't like he cares what I do. He isn't going to miss me or nothing. I could be dead on the streets and he wouldn't give a damn.


By the time I got back almost 7 a.m. and I had removed my heels because it was a long walk and my feet were killing me. I looked around for his or Donna's car, just be sure I was going to be alone. I saw neither so I walked in and rode the elevator up to the apartment. I walked out and straight to the door. I quietly as I could inserted the keys, turned it, and slowly opened the door. I heard nothing, tip-toeing into the hall leading me to the living room I saw no one.

I walked slowly into all the other rooms so see if I were truly alone, which I was, much to my delight. I went into my room which used to be one of the guest rooms, removed my dress, make up and pins that were in my hair to keep it in place. After tying my hair into a bun, I got in the shower. I lathered my body with my citrus fruit scented liquid body soap. I got out and dried my body as I came out of my bathroom, thinking about Mark. I didn't want to feel what I did before; I had suffered enough with Evan.

I put on my lacy, white nightgown and slip into the covers ready to go to bed. As my eyes started to close by itself, a question ran across my mind.

"Did I fell for him at first sight?"

Once I lost myself in dreamland, I had already answered my question.

"Yes...yes I have."

A/N: Hey guys, so here is another chapter, hope you like it and yes I know it is a bit boring but don't worry because hopefully the next chapter well pick up a bit. Please Read, Review, Vote and Share and see you guys soon.

P.S. I am looking for a new cover for this book "The Other One" so please if there is anyone out there who wants to help my out with that I will be thankful and will dedicated you and send a shout out! ;D

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