Umm. Okay. This is weird. I felt like I was on some kind of reality show or something. But I went to Elaisha's house anyway and she had a note just like he said. It instructed us to go to the icecream shop about 5 blocks from her house. We were supposed to ask the worker for a Monkey Mix Up. We walked into the shop. It was empty.

" Excuse me sir can I have an umm Monkey Mix Up? "

He looked at me with a serious face and went behind a door in the back of the shop. When he came back he handed me a piece of paper without saying a word. Elaisha and I went outside to read or next instruction. The piece of paper said to go to a park nearby and look under the slide.

When we got to the park I found the slide and was about to look under it when I heard someone yelling my name. A very short blonde girl came running towards me.

" Are you Tori Court? "

" Uh yeah. Do I know you? "


" Oh well hello. This is Elaisha. "

" I know who she is! She's your best friend! "

" Wait you know who I am? ", Elaisha said in a very surprised voice.

" Of corse! Sam always puts up pictures of you guys! "

We took pictures with the girl and I followed her on twitter then she left.

" Does that happen a lot? "

" Lately, yes. "

" Wow. "

" Yeah. Come on lets look under the slide. "

Taped to the slide was another note instructing us to go to a beach and find the red blanket laying on the ground. Elaisha and I walked to the beach and searched forever for the stupid res blanket. I was about to give up when she spotted it. And Sitting on it were a very handsome Kian and Sam dressed up in suits. On the blanket there was a nice picnic and candles. It had gotten quite dark by this time. Elaisha gasped at the sight and I was pretty speechless myself. We walked over to the blanket and sat down across from the boys.

" How did you like our little scavenger hunt? ", said a very proud Sam.

" It was.. interesting. "

" It was Kian's idea. "

Sam must have sensed I was a bit confused.

" Oh! Kian you are so romantic. ", Elaisha gushed.

" I do have my moments don't I? "

UGH. I was going to throw up.

" Sam, wanna take a walk? "

" Sure ", he said with a smile on his face.

He took my hand and we both walked barefoot along the beach.

" This was all kinda cheesy huh? "

" Yeah, a little. But what else would you expect from Kian? "

" Elaisha and him seem to be hitting it off. "

" Yeah I saw that. Does he like her? "

" I don't know. Kian is a closed book. He won't tell me about any of that kind of stuff. "

" Really? "

" Yep. I didn't know he liked you until he kissed you. "

I didn't reply. I didn't like to talk about that. It made me think about Jc. And I didn't really know how I felt about Jc yet. Half of me still loves him and the other half hates his guts. I just didn't ever feel like processing or dealing with those feelings so I just push them aside.

Sam stopped and took my free hand in his making me face him. He suddenly pressed his lips against mine and began to kiss me passionately. I was a little shocked but quickly returned the kiss. I felt him smile which made me smile in return. Then this led to us laughing because we were just sitting there with our smiles pressed against each other.

After we stopped laughing Sam took my hands into his again.

" Tori. "

" Yeah? "

" I love you so much. "

" I love you too Sam. I love you too. "




Living in Cali <3 (Sequel)(Sam Pottorff & Jc Caylen)Where stories live. Discover now